

 A new year is coming! And while youmay not need an entirely new resume, you should probably freshen upyour current credentials。


  Updating your resume doesn't have tobe too time-consuming or painful, says resume expert Lauren Milligan,founder of Resu MAYDAY, a Chicago-based resume writing and careerservices firm. She shares five quick tips for breathing new life intoyour old resume。

  ResuMAYDAY是公司芝減哥一傢簡歷制作和職業征詢公司,其創建者Lauren Milligan也是一位簡歷專傢,她說更新你的簡歷其實不需要破費很多的時光、也不會很瘔楚。以下是她分享的快速更新簡歷的五個步調。

  1. Start at the End


  Don't over whelm yourself by looking at your entire resume -- yet. "Look at the bottom of your resume and seeif there's anything new that you can add. Workshops, professional training, or awards are a quick way to add something current," says Milligan。


  2. Where You've Been and Where You're Going


  Next, look at the position nearest the bottom of your resume. Milligan advises, "Ask yourself if it's still relevant to your current career goal. If it's not, delete it so you canbuild on more current accomplishments that will further your career."


  If that last position is still somewhat relevant, "Just edit it down. The very first position you held should get the least amount of attention," she reveals。


  3. A Year in the Life


  Turn your attention toward your current job. Milligan says, "Update any new projects or accomplishments that have occurred over the last year. Even if it's not a promotion,just include anything from last year that can be added to it."


  4. Update Your Look


  Current information deserves a current look. Does your resume look stylish and polished -- or plain, dull, and dated? If so, Milligan believes it may be time to give your resume aface lift. "If you're still using the same resume format you used a few years ago, you should change it to something more suited to the positions you're currently pursuing -- not those you had after graduation."


  Also, make your resume available inseveral formats -- text only, Microsoft Word, and a PDF. "There's agood use for each of these formats. Having a PDF of your resume at theready implies a little more technical savvyon your part."


  5. Proofread. Proofread. Proofread。


  Milligan cannot stress enough the importance of proof reading your resume. "Every time you make anychanges to your resume, it's possible to introduce another error," saysthe resume and careers guru. "Proofread it again and again, and ask afew friends to look at it, also. You can never be too careful."


  Adds Milligan, "If you have a 'blah'resume, you're leaving yourself open to those jobs that others aren'twilling to do. Update it to make it great!"


