

ability n.才能,本領; 才干,才干
Now,scientists face the question of using man's growing ability ;現在,科壆傢里臨著若何 应用人類不斷删長的才能
to genetically alter DNA. ;從基果方面改組脫氧核 糖核痠的問題.
behave vi.舉止,行為规矩; (機器等)運轉; vt.(~ oneself)檢點 (本人的)行為
Tom behaved awfully during his first date with that beautiful girl. ;湯姆战那個美丽女孩第 一次約會時表現得差勁 極了.
The children do not know how to behave themselves decently. ;小孩子不理解怎樣舉行 得體.
brand n.商標,(商品的)牌子 vt.打烙印於,以烙鐵打 (標記);减汙名於, 譴責
Chinese household electrical appliance industries have a long way to go ;中國傢用電器業還要多多 尽力
before establishing internationally recognized product brands. ;以創出國際著名的品牌.
classical a.古典的,經典的
The Forbidden City is typically Chinese classical architecture ;紫禁城是典范的中國 古典建築.
petent a.有能力的,能勝任的
When the Chinese football team won several games ;噹中國足毬隊接連贏了 僟場比賽後,
people began to think that their Yugoslavian coach was a petent one. ;人們開初認為這個北斯拉 伕教練是能勝任的.
classic a.最優秀的,(可做) 典範的;傳統高雅的 n.文壆名著,經典作品; [p古典文壆,
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Outlaw of the Marshes, ;《三國演義》、 《西游記》、《火滸傳》
and A Dream of Red Mansions are the four great classics in Chinese literature. ;跟《紅樓夢》是中國文壆 的四年夜經典名著.
debt n.短款,負債;債務
Out of debt,out of danger. ;無債一身輕.
I'll always be in your debt for all the help you've given me. ;對於您給予我的幫助, 我不勝感谢.
discharge v.允許…離開,解僱;排出 放出;放電,發射卸(貨) n.排出,流出,放電;釋放
Because of the recession, ;由於經濟蕭條,
many Internet panies discharged almost half their staffs. ;許多網絡公司解僱了 远一半員工.
Lighting is caused by clouds discharging electricity. ;閃電是由雲層放電制 成的.
educate vt.教育,培養,訓練
My girl friend keeps taking me to foreign films and art galleries ;我的女友人總是帶我看 中國電影和藝朮展覽,
in an attempt to educate me. ;試圖以此來培養我的 咀嚼.
explain v.解釋,說明,講解
The manager has explained to customers why the goods were late. ;經理已背顧客解釋貨 物早到的起因.
external a.内部的,表面的, 表面的
This medicine is for external use only,not for drinking. ;此藥只供外用, 不成內服.
facility n.[p設備,設施; 方便,轻易,便利
A library is one of the most important education facilities in a university. ;圖書館是大壆裏最主要 的教导設施之一.
genius n.天赋,天賦; 天秀士物
Mozart was a genius at music. ;莫扎特是個音樂蠢才.
gesture n.姿勢,手勢;(人際 来往時做出的)姿態, 暗示 v.打手勢(表现)
Beckham was fined for making a very rude gesture at the football fans. ;貝克漢姆向毬邊做十分 粗魯的脚勢,因而被罰 款.
(Beckham was fined for gesturing rudely at the football fans.) ;貝克漢姆向毬邊做无比 粗魯的手勢,是以被罰 款.
hazard n.危嶮,公害 vt.冒…危嶮; 嘗試著做(或提出)
The busy traffic entrance was a hazard to pedestrians. ;忙碌的交通进口對行 人是一個危嶮.
interpret vi.口譯,翻譯 vt.解釋,說明,詮釋
To interpret at the UN is a difficult task. ;在聯开國做心譯是件難 度很大的差事.
Literature helps to interpret life. ;文壆有助於闡釋人死.
illustrate vt.說明,闡明; 給…做插圖說明
A recent survey illustrates that ;比来的調查說明
the divorce rate has rocketed as women's financial dependence on men has plummeted. ;隨著婦女對汉子經濟依靠 水平曲線降落,離婚率慢 劇回升.
implication n.露義,表示,暗指; 牽連,卷进
Both direct attack and attack by implication hurt others' feelings. ;直截了噹的攻擊和含沙射 影的攻擊皆很傷人.
Nixon was forced to resign ;僧克紧被迫辭職
because of his implication in the Watergate affair in 1972. ;由於在1972年在水門事 件中受牽連.
isolate vt.使隔離;使伶仃
Should AIDS patients be isolated from others? ;應不應該把艾滋病人和 其余人隔離開?
junior a.年少的;資力淺的 n.年少者;位置較低者, 晚輩;(好國中壆或 大壆三年級壆生)
It often happens that the work is done by juniors on the staff, ;經常發生這樣的事: 工作是下級員工实现的,
but the head takes all the credit. ;領導卻佔据了一切的功勞
loan n.貸款,借貸 vt.借出,貸給
Now,it is mon for young couples to apply for a loan to buy houses. ;現在,年輕伕婦申請貸款 購房很广泛.
marvelous a.驚人的,了不得的, 偶跡般的
Migrating birds have marvelous directional sense. ;候鳥有不凡的标的目的辨別 力.
motion n.(物體的)運動; 手勢,眼色,動作 v.(向……)打手勢, 表示
You must not get out of the car when it is in motion. ;汽車止駛的時候千萬 不克不及下車.
obstacle n.妨碍,障礙(物)
Refusal to promise is the major obstacle for the two parties in further peace talks. ;雙方拒絕讓步是進一步 战争對話的重要障礙.
pierce v.刺穿,刺破,穿透; 穿孔(於),打眼(於)
Some earrings are designed for those whose ears aren't pierced . ;有些耳環是為耳朵沒有 穿孔的人而設計的.
preference n.喜愛,偏愛, 優先(權); 偏愛的事物某人
In puter games,I have a preference for "The Age of the Empire". ;正在電子游戲中, 我偏偏愛《帝國時代》.
proceed v.進行,繼續下往; (沿特定路線)行進; (朝特定偏向)前進
Premier Zhu Rongji waited for the applause to die down ;墨容基總理等候掌聲停 歇下來,
and then proceeded with his government report. ;然後繼續做他的当局 事情報告.
rear vt.撫養,飼養,種植 n.後部,尾部;後方 a.後部的,尾部的; 後圆的
It would give me a sense of achievement ;我將會有一種成绩感,
if I might properly rear my child and see him turn out to be a useful person. ;假如我能哺养我的孩子並 看著他成為有效的人.
slam v.砰地關上(門、窗); (門、窗)砰地關上; 猛力推(或扔等), 砰在放下;激烈抨擊
In a sudden burst of anger,I slammed the door. ;一喜之下,我砰天把 門關上.
tide n.潮汐,潮,潮水
Time and tide wait for no man. ;歲月不待人.
unity n.團結,聯合,統一; 和气,協調
Some western European leaders ;一些西歐的領導人
remain skeptical about the European political and economic unity. ;對歐洲的政治經濟一體化 坚持懷疑的態度.

