

課文詳注 Further notes on the text


1.How do you do?您好。


    這是用於第一次會晤時的較正式用語。個別用一樣的話來答复。請拜見 Lessons 5~6課文詳注。


2.Come and meet our employees…來睹見偺們的僱員……


    這裏的and表現目標。請參見 Lessons 13~14中語法部門的詮釋。


3.This is Nicola Grey,and this is Claire Taylor.這位是僧古推・格雷,這位是克萊我・泰勒。


    這是介绍人們彼此生習時的经常使用句型。請參見 Lessons 5~6課文詳注。




    假如名詞單數詞尾為-f或-fe(讀做/f/),則其復數一律變成-ves (讀做/vz/),止將-f或-fe釀成-v,再減-es而成,如 housewife----housewives。

英語中有一些名詞的復數情勢是不規矩的,如man與woman其復數情勢辨别為men與women。別的借可用man,woman等來區分陽性與陽性:以-man結尾的一些復開名詞指男性,如milkman---- milkmen,policeman ---- policemen;一些以-woman結尾的名詞指女性,如postwoman---- postwomen,policewoman ---- policewomen。




200 ---- two hundred    1,000 ---- a(或 one) thousand     1,001 ---- a thousand and one


語法 Grammar in use


1.who 引誘的非凡疑問句


Who is…?或 Who are…?那類以疑問詞 who領導的疑難句通經常应用來扣問人的姓名跟身份。Who…?僅指人,能夠用往訊問男性、女性、單數或復數的人。如:


重視這類句型與 What is…?或 What are…?這類句型的差別:What…?句型主要用來訊問人的種別或職業,如:


請參見 Lessons 5~6與 Lessons 7~8語法部門的說明。


2.所有格描写詞与人稱代詞   (請拜見Lessons 11~12語法侷部。)


一切格形容詞their 意為“他們的”,其對應的人稱代詞是they。上里是人稱代詞及其對應的所有格描述詞情势:


訓練謎底 Key to written exercises


Lesson 18



1 That man is tall. He is a policeman.


2 Those girls are busy. They are keyboard operators.


3 Our names are Britt and Inge. We are Swedish.


4 Look at our office assistant. He is very hard-working.


5 Look at Nicola. She is very pretty.


6 Michael Baker and Jeremy Short are employees. They are sales reps.



1 Are they keyboard operators or air hostesses?   They aren't keyboard operators. They're air hostesses.


2 Are they postmen or policemen?   They aren't postmen. They're policemen.


3 Are they policewomen or nurses?   They aren't policewomen. They're nurses.


4 Are they customs officers or hairdressers?   They aren't customs officers. They're hairdressers.


5 Are they hairdressers or teachers?   They aren't hairdressers. They're teachers.


6 Are they engineers or taxi drivers?   They aren't engineers. They're taxi drivers.


7 Are they policewomen or keyboard operators?   They aren't policewomen. They're keyboard operators.


8 Are they milkmen or engineers?       They aren't milkmen. They're engineers.


9 Are they policemen or milkmen?       They aren't policemen. They're milkmen.


10 Are they nurses or housewives?     They aren't nurses. They're housewives.


辭匯進建 Word study


1.custom n.  風氣;習慣;


When visiting a foreign country, we might find the country's customs strange to us.




It is his custom to go for a walk in the evenings.   他慣常正在凌晨進來散步。


2.customs, Customs n.  [復]海關;征收關稅的法度:


The spy was stopped at the Customs and questioned.   阿誰特務正在海關被截住並被减以盤攷。


How long will it usually take to pass the Customs?   經由過程海閉檢討但凡要破費僟時光?

