

 源自CNN的一篇文章。渴望對大家能有所輔助。HAPPY JOB SEARCH!
  You know the friend who constantly dates the wrong kind of person? The one who's endlessly frustrated that he or she is going to die alone because all the good ones are taken?
  After enough venting sessions, you realize something your friend doesn't: He or she is the common thread tying together all of these -- let's just say it together -- losers. Someone needs to speak up and say, "You're doing this to yourself."
  You'll find this same pattern can be true in a job hunt. Granted, we're in tough times and plenty of reasons out of your control can keep you from getting hired. But that's just one more reason to do everything within your power to be the best job seeker you can.
  With that in mind, look over these 25 ways you might be unknowingly sabotaging your job search:
  1. Assuming you'll never need to look for another job  
  You love your current job and that's great. If you're happy there and see a promising future, I hope you never have to leave. Nevertheless, you should always be prepared for the day you have to move on. Even if the boss loves you, things can change. Buyouts, economic disasters or changes in leadership can affect your employment. Continue to update your résumé while you're employed so that you have an accurate record of your accomplishments.
  2. Burning bridges  
  We love the scenes in movies where the disgruntled employee finally tells off the boss and storms out of the office, only to live a happy, fulfilling life. In real life, these idols are probably unemployed because they don't have good references, and no employer wants to hire someone with a tarnished reputation.
  3. Keeping mum on your job search  
  Most people aren't keen on being unemployed, and if you were laid off it's understandable that you don't want to spend all your time talking about it. But you need to network; it's one of the most effective ways to find a job. A friend of a friend of a friend often gets you the interview that lands you the job -- but that won't happen if no one knows you're looking for new career opportunities.
  4. Looking for "The One"
  Although you want to conduct a focused job search, you need to keep an open mind,中日翻譯. With any luck, you'll land the perfect gig but sometimes you have to take a job that possesses most of the qualities you want -- not all of them. If the pay is right, the requirements are in line with your experience and the opportunities for promotion are good, then you might have to overlook the fact that you have to wake up 30 minutes earlier than you'd like.
  5.Not searching at all  
  This mistake probably seems obvious, but as anyone who's been on a lengthy job hunt can tell you, discouragement is easy to come by. A few weeks or months without a job and enough news segments on layoffs are enough to convince you that no one is hiring. Without question the market's competitive, but if you're not actively looking for work, don't expect it to fall in your lap.
  6. No cover letter
  Including a cover letter is an easy way to play it safe during a job hunt. Although not every employer wants one, surveys continually find employers who automatically remove job seekers from consideration if they don't include a cover letter. Why would you give any employer a reason not to hire you?
  7. A generic cover letter  
  The only thing worse than no cover letter is one that could be sent to any anonymous employer. Starting with "To Whom It May Concern" and filling the page with phrases like "hard working" will signal the reader that you're blindly sending out applications to every job opening you see. Hiring managers are looking for someone who fits their needs, and their needs are different than another employer's. Don't treat them the same.
  8. Typos  
  If you received a wedding invitation full of misspelled words and poor punctuation, you'd probably wonder why these two people didn't take the time to proofread the page. After all, it's an important event and a lot of people will be reading it. Employers will wonder the same thing about a résumé or cover letter filled with errors,翻譯.
  9. All "me" and not enough "you"  
  Your cover letter and résumé are definitely about you, but they're not for you. Employers are only interested in you in the context of what you can do for them. Whenever you reveal information about yourself, use it as proof that you offer something to the company that no one else can.
  10. Giving bad contact information  
  When hiring managers like what they see on your résumé and cover letter, they're going to look for your contact information. If they see that your e-mail address is BeerFreak80@email.com or your current work number is the best way to contact you, they're going to think twice before reaching out. The only thing worse is forgetting to include your contact information at all.
  11. Running late
  Every boss wants an employee who is dependable and a good representative of the company. Someone who's tardy to an interview is neither.
  12.Dressing for the wrong job
  Appearances matter in an interview, and you should dress for what's appropriate in your field. Find out what the dress code is before you show up so you fit in with the company culture. Wearing a suit when you're told jeans are the norm can make you seem stuffy; wearing shorts and sandals when everyone else is wearing suits makes you look oblivious. You're better off erring on the side of too professional than too casual.
  13. Griping about past employers  
  Keep in mind that you're not guaranteed to be with any company forever. When you talk trash about your last company, your interviewer's thinking, "What are you going to say about me once you leave?"
  14. Not asking questions
  One quintessential interview question is, "Do you have any questions for me?" Sitting there silently suggests you're not invested in the job. When you go to a restaurant, you probably have a few questions for the waiter. Shouldn't you be just as curious about a new job?
  15. Not doing your research
  Research for a new job involves two important subjects: the position and the company. Find out as much about the position as you can so you can decide if you even want it and you can position yourself as the best fit for the job.
  Knowing all you can about the company will help you decide if you like its direction and share its ideals. Plus, when it comes to the all important "Do you have any questions for us?" portion of the interview (see above), you have plenty of material to cover.
  16.Thinking the interview starts and ends in a meeting room
  The formal interview occurs when you shake hands with the interviewer and ends when you leave the room. The full process begins when you're called or e-mailed to come in for an interview and it continues every time you converse with someone at the company. Were you rude to the recruiter or the receptionist? You never know what gets reported back to the hiring manager.
  17. Talking about money too soon  
  As eager as you are to land the job and cash your first paycheck, let the employer mention salary first. Broaching the subject first implies you're more eager about money than about doing a good job.
  18. Acting cocky  
  You never want to beg for a job, but you should act like you care about it. If your confidence level spills over into arrogance, you'll guarantee no employer will want to work with you.
  19. Being so honest you're rude  
  Not every job will turn into a lifelong career, and you might have no intention of staying at the company more than a year or two when you interview. Still, hiring managers don't want to hear that you're just taking this job to pass time until you find a real job that you care about. You don't need to commit yourself to the company for a decade, but don't make yourself sound like a flight risk, either.
  20. Forgetting your manners  
  Common courtesy can get you far, and in a job hunt you'd like to get as far as possible. After an interview, send a thank-you note (via e-mail or regular mail) to show your gratitude to the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you. This will leave him or her with a good impression of you.
  21. Stalking the hiring manager  
  If the interviewer gives you a deadline for hearing back from him or her, go ahead and call to see if a decision has been made. Do not call, e-mail and visit every day until you finally get a response -- which will probably be, "You definitely did not get the job."
  22.Not keeping track of your applications  
  Because a job hunt can be a lengthy process, you should have a running list of where you've applied and whether or not you've heard back. Although you don't think you'll forget where you applied, after a dozen applications your memory can get fuzzy. Sending multiple applications to the same employer says, "I'm either disorganized or I'm just sending out bulk applications."
  23. Not learning from mistakes  
  You're bound to make a mistake here and there during an interview. If a question trips you up, think about what went wrong and prepare for it the next time. Don't forget mistakes from your past, either. Look back at jobs you hated and try to avoid landing one of those jobs again.
  24. Assuming you got the job  
  Don't ever assume you have the job until you actually hear the hiring manager say, "You got the job." Several factors can complicate whether or not you get hired, so don't halt your job search until you receive an offer. Keep searching for work because the deal might fall through at the last minute or you might find an even better job.
  25. Forgetting the lessons you learned during a job search  
  When your hard work pays off and you do land a job, don't forget all the trials and trouble you went through to get it. Just because you have a paycheck doesn't mean you've looked for your last job. Remember how important it is to maintain a network, keep track of your achievements and have good references. If you do find yourself looking for work again, you'll have a much easier time.

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【英語熱詞】meteorite 隕石


He discovered an unusual meteorite.


隕星(meteorite),即自空間降落於天毬名義的大年夜流星體。大略92.8% 的隕星的主要成分是兩氧化硅(也即是个别喦石),中譯日,5.7% 是鐵跟鎳,其他的隕石是那三種物資的混雜物。露石量年夜的隕星稱為隕石,露鐵量大的隕星稱為隕鐵。


心試經常应用英語書里語(19) 5年以內你唸處於甚麼位置




Q: Where do you want to be in five years?

A: I'd like to have the opportunity to work in a plant as well as at the home office,日譯漢.I also hope to develop my management skills,perhaps by managing a small staff.


【今日英語】Calculator ban 計算器禁令

  Vocabulary: maths 詞匯:數學

  The UK government has said that from 2014, it will ban calculators in maths tests forprimary school children in England.

  All 11-year-olds sit three maths tests. Pupils are allowed to use a calculator in the hardest of these.


A sample question is: "Tickets for a school play cost £2.75 each. Dev sold 23 tickets. How much ticket money did Dev collect?"

  Education and Childcare Minister Elizabeth Truss says children are over-reliant on calculators and that this means they don't have a good grounding in mental arithmetic or written arithmetic. She wants all children to be confident with other methods of addition, subtraction, times tables anddivision before they start using calculators insecondary school.

  Research shows that 98% of pupils in England use calculators in primary school classes, compared with an international average of just 46%. At the same time, different research shows that children have become worse at maths in the past 30 years. Ms Truss believes that children are dependent on calculators and that's making the problem worse.

  Some teaching experts argue there's a plus side to using calculators. They say that they are an important tool for maths, which children need to learn to use. Christine Blower of the National Union of Teachers, says the ban "will diminish the skills set for primary pupils" and cause problems when they need to use calculators in secondary school.

  Russell Hobby of the National Association of Head Teachers, says theadvantage of using calculators is that children can focus on the maths problem itself, rather than the individual calculations needed to solveit.

  Quiz 測驗

  According to the article, who believes children are over-reliant on calculators?

  Will calculators be banned in primary school or secondary school maths tests?

  How many of the primary school maths tests allow calculators at the moment?

  Is the following statement true, false or not given? More than twice as many English primary school children use calculators than in the rest of the world.

  In the article, who disagrees with the calculator ban?

  Glossary 辭匯表

  · ban禁止

  · calculators計算器

  · maths tests數學測試

  · primary school小學

  · sit參減(攷試)

  · over-reliant on過於依賴(某物/某人)

  · grounding in有基礎

  · mental arithmetic心算

  · addition减法

  · subtraction減法

  · times tables乘法表

  · division除法

  · secondary school中學

  · dependent on依賴

  · a plus side to好的一裏

  · tool東西

  · skills set一套技能

  · advantage優勢

  · maths problem數學問題

  · calculations計算



課文詳注 Further notes on the text


1.How do you do?您好。


    這是用於第一次會晤時的較正式用語。個別用一樣的話來答复。請拜見 Lessons 5~6課文詳注。


2.Come and meet our employees…來睹見偺們的僱員……


    這裏的and表現目標。請參見 Lessons 13~14中語法部門的詮釋。


3.This is Nicola Grey,and this is Claire Taylor.這位是僧古推・格雷,這位是克萊我・泰勒。


    這是介绍人們彼此生習時的经常使用句型。請參見 Lessons 5~6課文詳注。




    假如名詞單數詞尾為-f或-fe(讀做/f/),則其復數一律變成-ves (讀做/vz/),止將-f或-fe釀成-v,再減-es而成,如 housewife----housewives。

英語中有一些名詞的復數情勢是不規矩的,如man與woman其復數情勢辨别為men與women。別的借可用man,woman等來區分陽性與陽性:以-man結尾的一些復開名詞指男性,如milkman---- milkmen,policeman ---- policemen;一些以-woman結尾的名詞指女性,如postwoman---- postwomen,policewoman ---- policewomen。




200 ---- two hundred    1,000 ---- a(或 one) thousand     1,001 ---- a thousand and one


語法 Grammar in use


1.who 引誘的非凡疑問句


Who is…?或 Who are…?那類以疑問詞 who領導的疑難句通經常应用來扣問人的姓名跟身份。Who…?僅指人,能夠用往訊問男性、女性、單數或復數的人。如:


重視這類句型與 What is…?或 What are…?這類句型的差別:What…?句型主要用來訊問人的種別或職業,如:


請參見 Lessons 5~6與 Lessons 7~8語法部門的說明。


2.所有格描写詞与人稱代詞   (請拜見Lessons 11~12語法侷部。)


一切格形容詞their 意為“他們的”,其對應的人稱代詞是they。上里是人稱代詞及其對應的所有格描述詞情势:


訓練謎底 Key to written exercises


Lesson 18



1 That man is tall. He is a policeman.


2 Those girls are busy. They are keyboard operators.


3 Our names are Britt and Inge. We are Swedish.


4 Look at our office assistant. He is very hard-working.


5 Look at Nicola. She is very pretty.


6 Michael Baker and Jeremy Short are employees. They are sales reps.



1 Are they keyboard operators or air hostesses?   They aren't keyboard operators. They're air hostesses.


2 Are they postmen or policemen?   They aren't postmen. They're policemen.


3 Are they policewomen or nurses?   They aren't policewomen. They're nurses.


4 Are they customs officers or hairdressers?   They aren't customs officers. They're hairdressers.


5 Are they hairdressers or teachers?   They aren't hairdressers. They're teachers.


6 Are they engineers or taxi drivers?   They aren't engineers. They're taxi drivers.


7 Are they policewomen or keyboard operators?   They aren't policewomen. They're keyboard operators.


8 Are they milkmen or engineers?       They aren't milkmen. They're engineers.


9 Are they policemen or milkmen?       They aren't policemen. They're milkmen.


10 Are they nurses or housewives?     They aren't nurses. They're housewives.


辭匯進建 Word study


1.custom n.  風氣;習慣;


When visiting a foreign country, we might find the country's customs strange to us.




It is his custom to go for a walk in the evenings.   他慣常正在凌晨進來散步。


2.customs, Customs n.  [復]海關;征收關稅的法度:


The spy was stopped at the Customs and questioned.   阿誰特務正在海關被截住並被减以盤攷。


How long will it usually take to pass the Customs?   經由過程海閉檢討但凡要破費僟時光?


職場禮儀英語 同您同事禮貌天打召喚

Greeting Your Colleagues with Courtesy


(Office ambience)

C:Hi Amy, how are you?

A:I am fine, thank you. And you?


A:About what?


A:You mean she doesn't say, "Good Morning" unless you say it first?


A:Does she talk to you during the day?


A:She sounds rude. It must be difficult to work with someone like that.


A:You need to talk to her. Otherwise things are going to get worse.


A:An unfriendly co-worker is bad for morale and productivity.




A:Chen Hao, how did it go? Did you get a chance to talk to Carol today?


A:That was good that you waited until no one else was present. You wouldn't want to talk about a sensitive issue in front of others.


A:Tell me what happened? What did you say?


A:What did she say?


A:You're kidding. That's the silliest thing I ever heard.


A:You are absolutely right. No one should wait for anyone else to speak first,中韓翻譯, smile first or even make eye contact before acknowledging the other person.


A:So how did you leave the situation?


A:You were right to discuss it with her. You don't have to be best friends with all the people you work with, but you should treat each one of them with courtesy and respect.





正所謂好集好散, 即使你要辭職, 也要以一種禮貌的方式揹老板提出.

闡明離任原由Reasons for leaving

1. My reason for leaving my present employment is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.

2. My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business.

3. I am leaving our office to be with my mother and care for my aged mother in a distant city.

4. My reason for leaving my present emplyment is simple because I see no chance of advancement.

5. I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office,翻譯公司.

6,日翻中. I am desirous of leaving the employment in order to improve my position and have more responsiblility.

7. I left them a fortnight ago, owing to a disagreement with the president Mr. Lau.

8. I left the position with the desire of improving my position.

9. I left the office on acount of the discontinuance of the business.

10. I left the company because I found a full-time job after graduation.

11. The only reason why I am leaving the present position is I want an object to better myself.

12. Unfortunately I have had to leave my position, as my employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity.

13.The only reason why I am leaving the present position is to gain more experience in a trading office.

14. My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business.

15. I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business.

16. I now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual responsibility and judgment than here,and where there is more opportunity for advancement.

17. One reason that I would like to be employed with your firm is that you are dealing with import and export trade.I would look forward to dealing with oversea companies and at the same time having a chance to use English more.



  1) What is your name,please?
  2) Can you tell me what your full name is, please?
  3) How do you spell your full name?
  4) I was born on June 22,1980.
  5) You look very young.How old are you?
  6) I am just over twenty-two.
  7) Where are you from?
  8) Where is your native place?
  9) Where do you live now?
  10) I live at 606 Zhongguancun Road, Apt 802,Beijing.
  11) Can you tell me something about your family?
  12) Are you married?
  13) How long have you been married?
  14) I have been married for two years.

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【單語音樂】 Patience



英國历史上最勝利的汉子演唱組開之一Take That树立於1991年,5位成員包括Robbie Williams、Gary Barlow、Mark Owen、Howard Donald跟Jason Orange,他們的鄰傢男孩的陽光形象、時髦的Euro-dance、配以优美的英式戰聲,捕获了寰毬無數少女歌迷的旧道熱腸,白遍了天毬的每個角降。1992年,樂隊发行首張專輯《Take That And Party》發了然8首進榜勁做,93年冠軍專輯《Everything Changes》中,有4首單曲空降英國金榜冠軍寶座,1995年專輯《Nobody Else》陸絕推出4首冠軍單直後,核心成員Robbie Williams發佈單飛,1996年Take That的正式驱散,同樣成為英國樂壇繼Beatles閉幕以往最令樂迷驚惶的震動頭條。 2006年11月,Take That帶著10年來的尾張齊新專輯《Beautiful World》從新回回樂壇。


Take That: Patience

Just have a little patience

I'm still hurting from a love I lost

I'm feeling your frustration

Any minute all the pain will stop

Just hold me close inside your arms tonight

Don't be too hard on my emotions

Cause I need time

My heart is numb, has no feeling

So while I'm still healing

Just try and have a little patience

I really wanna start over again

I know you wanna be my salvation

The one that I can always depend

I'll try to be strong

Believe me

I'm trying to move on

It's complicated, but understand me

Cause I need time

My heart is numb, has no feeling

So while I'm still healing

Just try and have a little patience

Have a little patience, Yeah

Cause these scars run so deep

It's been hard

But I have to believe

Have a little patience

Have a little patience

Whoa, Cause I, I just need time

My heart is numb has no feeling

So while I'm still healing

Just try, and have a little patience

My heart is numb, has no feeling

So while I'm still healing

Just try and have a little patience





































《Patience》收錄在Take That樂隊重組後的尾張專輯《Beautiful World》中,在這首歌中,重組後的四人用凔桑的聲音告诉聽众,如果您愛上一個“有故事”的人,那請對他/她耐烦一點,果為“他/她须要時間來療傷”。