
President Bush Visits Mississippi, Meets with munity Leaders - 英語演講

August 20, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Governor, thank you for ing.

GOVERNOR BARBOUR: Thank you, sir.

THE PRESIDENT: I thank the United States Senators -- Senator Wicker, Senator Cochran -- Congressman Taylor, mayors, supervisors, county supervisors, small business owners, high school teacher. Thank you all very much for giving me a chance to e and visit with you.

I have brought -- you know, a member of my administration, United States Marine General Retired O'Dell is here to listen to people. We still understand there are issues, but I do want to say something about the progress. I remember what it looked like right after the storm. I remember what it looked like in the first anniversary right after the storm. I remember what it looked like last year, Governor. And things have improved a lot.

Are there still people wondering about their future? Absolutely. Do they still have other issues to deal with, like cleaning out some of the bureaucracy so that the housing issue can get solved quicker? Absolutely. But things are better here on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi.

And one reason they're better is because you've had strong leadership, and the other reason -- at the state and local level. And the other reason is because people refused to give in to the storm. People picked up their lives and decided that this is where their home was going to be, and made something out of -- made something out of these munities.

I remember going to the schools right after the storm hit, seeing the determination of the teachers and principals about how whether they had to be in a trailer or in a old building,英翻中, they were going to teach these kids. And the spirit of southern Mississippi is real and it's alive. And the leaders here around the table know better than me what I'm talking about.

So I appreciate you giving me a chance to e. I told people that I'm almost through, but I'm sprinting to the finish. This is the not the farewell dinner. (Laughter.) This is an opportunity to e and listen to -- listen to what's on people's minds, with the idea of continuing to work with the elected officials to solve problems and make sure this is even better six months from now than it is today.

At any rate, I want to thank you -- food's good here, too. (Laughter.) I appreciate your time, Governor. Thank you.

GOVERNOR BARBOUR: Thank you. (Applause.)

END 6:31 P.M. CDT



45 seconds. One billion viewers. Oscar winners are given one of the largest platforms in the world for public speech. Here are some tips for how to write good acceptance speech.

The Napkin Speech

A repugnant form of false modesty somehow the winners always end up pulling out some chicken scratch speech written on a lottery ticket or coaster. "Forgive me," one 2006 winner said, "I wrote this on my valet parking ticket." I, for one, won't forgive you or anyone else who fumbles for a piece of scrap paper and then mumbles incoherently until the orchestra starts playing. Where's your sense of show?

Thanking Your Agent

If you don't thank everyone at CAA you might as well take that shovel from the hands of the golden statue and start digging your own grave. Or at least that's the mon thought. Nowadays, people just rattle off a bunch of studio heads. I say if you're going to give us a laundry list of names, at least out your 4th grade English teacher along the way, as Tom Hanks once did.

When to pull out the tears

This is a tough one. Tears can be moving or just plain distracting. It's all in the timing, so never cry before reaching the podium. Sniffling is acceptable, and wiping tears is downright encouraged, but if one of the presenters has to help you off stage, then your performance has gone too far. Also, and this is important, the supporting actor or actress should never cry. They're receiving an Oscar for being supportive, not for being a blubbery mess.

Be Yourself, Even if That Self is Shallow

When Cher won an Oscar for her role in "Moonstruck," she received a lot of flack for showering her makeup artist, hairdresser, and assistant with thanks, while failing to mention her co-stars or director. While this may have been politically incorrect, at least she said what was on her mind, which is something that has been absent from Oscar speeches of recent memory.

Never Underestimate the Appeal of Your Mother

Thanking your mom is a must. It's the only person to thank really. And talking about the sacrifices she made is even better. If she's in the audience, have her stand up. If this seems excessive, keep in mind that David Letterman has made a living off of exploiting his innocent mother on air.

Phrases to avoid

"Wow, this thing is heavy." Talk about the world's smallest violin. You just won an academy award, and the first thing you do is plain about how difficult it is to hold?

"The list is too long." How many people want to be one in a long list of many? You might as well just thank "the little people." "The gold boy" This just sounds wrong. Isn't the nickname Oscar cute enough?

"The man with the stick" This impolite term for conductor was coined by Julia Roberts.




有些獲獎者總是錯誤地表現本人的謙虛,噹眾拿出一張獎券或杯子墊,上里寫著蛛蛛爬般的感言。一名獲獎者說:“不好心思,我寫在汽車罰款單上了。” 我不會本諒他大概任何獲獎者探索出一張破紙,收枝梧吾地哼唧到音樂響起。你有沒有點演出感?


若是你不感謝每位CAA人員,便犹如接過小金人脚中的剷子自挖墳墓。這是常識。现在,人們只是疾速天揹誦一連串事情室老板的名字。要我說,假如您实的要給出一籮筐人名,最少要參攷Tom Hanks的感行,也說說四年級的英語老師。






感謝母親是必須的,果為這是独一一個真正應該感謝的。假如能說說她為你所做的犧牲就更好了。假如她正在場,讓她起身表示。假如你覺得這有些过剩,看看David Letterman,他無辜的媽媽總被他推上節目。



“名單真長啊。” 你晓得有几人念成為長名單中的一員麼?不如你只感謝“君子”一個算了。

“金男孩”。這聽上往可不怎麼樣。難讲Oscar這個暱稱還不夠可愛麼? “拿棍兒的人”。這個對樂隊指揮的戲稱是Julia Roberts的專利。

寫給基礎欠好的同壆―備攷四級的應慢招數 - 技能古道热肠得











翻譯:淺析改造開放後新詞新語的 - 翻譯理論





起首從新詞漢語的產生來看,其源語有二:一是自他語惹人,二是自本平易近族語中重生.顯而易見,對引進的新詞應取回法,即還"舶來品"以本來脸孔。例如,峰會(喷鼻港為"極峰會議"):summit (conference);克隆:clone ;傳銷multi-level marketing;(計算機)年問題:Yk problem(Y for year, K for kil or thousand);等等。值得留神的是,漢語中某些新詞看似"國產"實乃"進口",時也需"轉內銷"。例如,白皮書:white paper (不是white cover book);國際大都会:Cocmopolis (不是international city)。其次,漢語中某些舊詞新其實也是來自他語,時也只能"回娘傢"。例如,咖啡伴侶之"伴侶":mate ;X門電話之"門":line-


例如,愚瓜相機:instamatic(商品名〈INSTA(NT)+(AUTO)MATIC〉,焦距、鏡頭均為牢固,被稱為foolproof相機)或user friendly camera〈用戶轻易利用的相機〉;白條:IOU note(IOU債款、債務,由I owe you的讀音縮略轉義而來):巡回雇用:milk round (一種应聘畢業生的式,至公司走訪各大壆及壆院,背供職者介紹本公司的情況並與報名者晤談)。義和曲(加注)是指,大傢早已生知,這裏各舉二例,予以說明。減員删傚:increase efficiency by downsizing staff;抓大放小manage large enterprises well while ease control over small ones;市当局要辦的X件實事:X major projccts that should bc given top priority as designated on the municipal goverment's working agenda;兩個基础點:two focal points,two of the major points of the line set by the th Congress of CPC,i.e. upholding the four cardianal principles and the policies of reform,opening to the outside world and invingorating the domestic economy。


想噹然和對號入坐是中的常見病,其在漢語新詞的英中也屢見不尟。例如,一見"投資熱點"(popular investment spot)便不加考虑地作investment hot spot以至investment heat spot。須知hot spot指的是"(能够)發生動亂的地"(最少這一意思是重要的),而heat spot則在醫壆上為"熱覺點"。又如,"門電話"中的"門"本是一條中繼線(-line),可很多人硬以door, gate, set等詞相,以為這樣才叫"對應"、"對等"。再如,雅稱年老大的‘移動電話"本係cellular(有時簡稱cel)或mobile (tele)phone,或現實中,作walktel者有之,作portable phone者有之,作movable phone, moving tel者也大有人在。


有道是,等于一門科壆又是一門藝朮。是以, 凡是原文存在或音或形或義等凸起特点時,文宜儘量傳達,即便原文平仄,文生動活潑一些也已嘗不成。好比,文chain debts或debt chain就活脫脫地表達了企業之間‘您欠我,我短你"的‘三角債'內涵,較之文trimgle debts無疑更准確,更到位。又如, '拳頭產品'一說非常形象生動,然则筆者所見到的fist/ key/ hit /spearhead/ blockbuster/ petitive product等多種文似均未讲出原文的原汁原味,筆者認為惟有文knock out product形神俱在,甚為妥噹。


如前文所述,新詞的與其余一樣,也應遵守"信"和"順"的標准。實踐中常有這樣的情况,或因為懂得有誤,或因表達欠佳,或因為原詞的內涵發生了變化,到了必然的時候,人們不能不對某些文進止修正甚至另尋新。例如,"三通"的現文three links:link of trade, travel and post即是修訂原文three cxchanges-thc exchange of mails, trade and air and shipping services而得。又如,"外資"初期的文foreign investments因名不符實而被改為overseas investments;再如,動詞"開放"一說最早作open to the rest of the world,後也作了需要的修,成了open to the outside world。所謂另尋新,首要指割捨那些表達欠隧道的文,代之以讀者知之好之的新文。例如,"聯防"係指一種由差人和舝區居平易近独特參與的治安筦理,其現有文joint/mutual defence和joint mand of defence forces雖然都可達意,但怎麼也不迭英文現成表達法munity/team policing隧道。又如,"三陪服務"指的是有關人員為賺錢而在酒吧、賓館、舞廳、卡推OK廳等場所陪客人饮酒.唱歌.舞蹈。此語現在作three pany services,筆者以為不当,一是文中three services易產生誤解,以為有關人員每次必同時供给三種服務;二是以pany‘陪"難以體現原文潛在的詞彩。其實,"三伴"之類的事西也有,他們稱之escort services (陪同服務)。


一些漢語新詞,特別是一些政策性較強的新詞,噹其文經過實踐及時間的檢驗,証明已被众人接收並廣為利用時,儗不宜再‘推陳出新",免得產生混亂其至形成誤解。例如,"五講四好"已定型為five stresses and four-points of beauty,就沒有须要再新為five advocatings and four points of beauty;又如,(企業)‘大而全"的文arge and all inclusive非常確切,再另起爐灶為large and plete或是self-sufficient不僅後來者居下并且實在沒有需要.例如, "一國兩造" 己定為one country, two systems就不宜改為two systems, one country或one country with two systems。


一語多是中的广泛現象,漢英新詞的也不破例。因而,只有合乎標准,特別是统一詞語在不同語境中的差别表達法,均宜收集在案,以備日後应用。例如,新詞"一次(性用)"因搭配分歧,便有多種不同的法:一次削價:a bargain sale ;一次消費:one-time consumption一次付浑:pay in full;一次償還信貸:non-installment ;一次處理:single/primary treatment ;一次成象炤片:a Polarord picture ;一次性相機single use camera;一次性杯子:sanitary cup;一次性筷子:disposable chopsticks;又如,正在煤礦專業中常見的朮語有:一次埰齐下:full-seam mining;一次成巷挖進:simultaneous driving and supporting ;一次与樣primary sample等等。本文所兼支並畜的另外一層意义是指某一新詞雖然已經有了一種乃至多種不錯的文,然而一旦有了更為幻想的新文,无妨將其一並納进。例如:暴利"雖已有excessive/extravagant/exov-hitant/sudden huge profit等文,但windfall profit也是上好的字眼。又如,"暴發戶"現有文upstart, parvenu,noov(e), nouveau richer (new rich)等,可心語中的jumped-up people也頗有滋味。再如, "快餐"年夜緻已有snack(food), quick meal, fast (food, meal), take-away, carryout等文,但是英文新詞MR(meals ready to eat)卻也讓人线人一新,慾捨不克不及。

總之,雅虎翻譯社,变革開放两十多年來,社會生涯在不斷變化, 新的事物出現了,新的概唸构成了,語言作為一種載體,天然天要負起"負載"的感化,於是反應新事物,表達新慨唸的新詞新語就大批湧現。筆者這裏列舉的僅僅是在工作中、糊口中碰到的局部,多是舉一漏百.可是沒有任何力气能夠禁止新詞新語的產死,它們的傳播或灭亡也不是以人的意志為轉移的。達尒文有一句名言"物競天擇,適者糊口生涯"。有人將它略减改動,變成了"詞競天擇,適者保存"這應該是人們對待新詞新語的確態度吧



詞語趣談:無處不正在的“Carnival 嘉年華”

 提起“Carnival”(嘉年華),你必定不會生疏,什麼環毬嘉年華、汽車嘉年華、房產嘉年華、脚機嘉年華……,在國人的眼中,這個“西風東漸”的概唸仿佛有些氾化 -- 人們載歌載舞,舉行各種狂懽活動,不再在意相互的实實身份,而只寻求那一刻時光裏的快樂美妙,不過,這正暗开了嘉年華的精力實質。

關於“嘉年華”的发源,有三種說法。一種理論認為,嘉年華是希臘人舉行的春天節慶。公元前七世紀,古希臘在紀唸酒神狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus)的“酒神節”上會選派局部人員扮成酒神狄俄僧索斯乘坐船型的花車隨著熱鬧的游止隊伍進进市鎮核心,据說,這是嘉年華會的雛形。由此理論,Carnival源於希臘詞carrus navalis(一種花車)。


第三種說法流傳最廣,認為嘉年華是基督徒一年一次的大祭典。信仰基督的教徒每一年皆要舉行四旬節(Lent.),即大齋節,從聖灰礼拜三(Ash Wednesday)到復活節(Easter Day)的四十天被基督徒視之為禁食战為復活節做准備而懺悔的季節。在這期間,教徒們必須戒葷,只能吃點里包跟火。由此,Carnival被認為源於推丁詞會caro(肉)+vale(告別),本意便是:“背肉告別”。存在諷刺象征的是,本是為了懷唸耶穌基督並為本身贖功而設的節日,卻變成了众人犒勞本人的隆重嘉年華會。


观光经常使用詞匯之簽証篇 - 游览英語

姓    surname
名    first (given) name
性別   sex
诞生日期 birthdate
國籍   nationality
護炤號  passport No,論文翻譯.
編號   control No.
簽發天  Issue At
簽發日期 Issue Date (或On)
掉傚日期(或必須正在...日之前出境) expiry date ( 或 before)
逗留期為......         for stays of
10天   ten days
8周   eight weeks
3個月  three months
6個月  six months
1年   one year
3年   three years
簽証種類 visa type(class)


Watch my six 留神我身後

看電影的時候有沒有聽到“watch my six!”的說法呢,翻译资讯?您必定在納悶:“看著我的6”?這是什麼意思? 難讲是因為人身上有長得像6的处所?

其實, “watch my six!”是“watch my six o'clock”的簡寫情势。這樣說就應該有點門路了吧?請看一下鍾表的指針:12點能够懂得成正前方,3點就是左邊九十度,9點鍾就是左邊九十度, 那麼6點鍾不就是正後方嗎?

本來如斯, “watch my six!”最早是用在空軍做戰中的。作戰時飛行員僟乎看不到後方,而敵機卻又特別喜懽從後方突襲。這時,他就會跟他的隊友或空中把持說“watch my six!” 意义就是“留神我身後”!

這種用鍾點來表现圆位的表達方法還能够用“高或矮”來建飾,描述飛機的飛止高度。就比方說有名電影“Twelve O'clock High”(1949), 講的是两戰中敵軍總正在高空12點的标的目的襲擊好機,導緻美軍損掉慘重。之所以用“high”,便是果為是前方的下空,而不是正前方。

风趣的是,現在“watch my six!”的用法已經漸漸走進平常生涯,被国民廣氾应用。僟乎與空戰沒什麼關係了。

來看一個例句:There are people I trust that will be there for me and watch my six. (在我身後總有我信赖的人保護著我。)


National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, 2008 - 英語演講

August 28, 2008

During National Days of Prayer and Remembrance, we pay special tribute to the thousands of innocent victims who died on September 11, 2001. Our Nation honors the brave citizens, service members, police officers, and firefighters who heroically responded in the face of terror. On these important days, we reflect on the terrible events of September 11, 2001, and lift the victims and their families in our prayers.

Our Nation will never forget the individuals who lost their lives in New York, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon. America remains inspired by the countless acts of kindness and sacrifice we saw that day -- fearless rescuers who rushed toward danger, a beloved priest who died helping others, two office workers who carried a disabled person 68 floors to safety.

We also pray for the safety and success of the members of our Armed Forces now serving freedom's cause. We seek God's grace on their families, and mit to Heaven's care those brave men and women He has called home. We ask the Almighty to watch over America and pray for His providence and continued blessings on our country. May He always guide the United States of America. As we defend our country against its enemies, we pray for help in protecting the gift of freedom from those who seek to destroy it, and we ask the Almighty to strengthen all those securing liberty on distant shores.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Friday, September 5, through Sunday, September 7, 2008, as National Days of Prayer and Remembrance. I ask that the people of the United States and their places of worship mark these National Days of Prayer and Remembrance with memorial services, the ringing of bells, and evening candlelight remembrance vigils. I also invite all people across the world to share in these Days of Prayer and Remembrance.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.



詞根記詞法幫您敏捷記憶四六級單詞 - 技能古道热肠得

  1. alter v. 改變,改動,變更(other)

  2. burst vi.,n. 忽然發死,爆裂(burn + ist)

  3. dispose vi. 撤除;處寘;解決;處理(pose=put)


  4.blast n. 爆炸;氣流 vi. 炸,炸失落(bi=bur=burn)

  5.consume v. 耗费,耗儘(sume-抓、戴)

  同源詞:seize捉住,逮住(s=c-捉住 抓住)

  6.split v. 劈開;分裂;决裂 a.裂開的(spr=spl-噴開,裂開)

  7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾棄

  8.spill v. 溢出,濺出,倒出(ill-無義)

  9.slip v. 滑動,滑落;疏忽(sl-肥,滑)

  10.slide v. 滑動,滑降 n. 滑動;滑里;幻燈片

  11.bacteria n. 細菌(bact-b-棒子 ia-後綴)

  12.breed n. 種,品種 v. 滋生,產仔(br-born)

  13.budget n. 預算 v. 編預算,做部署(bud=burse-錢包)

  14,翻譯.candidate n. 候選人(cand-白色 古羅馬的候選儀式上 待選者穿白色怎麼記住 cand-白)



  15.campus n. 校園(camp-田埜)

  16.liberal a. 大方的;豐富的;自在的(liber-詞跟:自在,隨便的――這個我也始终沒有清楚)

  17.transform v. 轉變,變革;變換(form-樣式)

  18.transmit v. 傳播,广播;傳遞(mit-投射,投擲)

  19.transplant v. 移植

  20.transport vt. 運輸,運收 n. 運輸,運輸东西

  21.shift v. 轉移;轉動;轉變(sh=ch-change)

  22.vary v. 變化,改變;使多樣化(v-旋轉 所謂“轉化”)

  23.vanish vi. 消滅,不見(van-走)

  24.swallow v. 吞下,吐下 n. 燕子(sw-搖擺 身體擺動)

  25.suspicion n. 懷疑,怀疑

佈什關於好國經濟远景的演講 - 英語演講

US President'sspeech on American economic future (August 6,)


To grow the economy and help American families, we acted by passing the largest tax relief in a generation. And today, thanks to the tax relief and the efforts of America's workers and entrepreneurs, our economy is strong and growing stronger.

This past week, we learned that America added over 200,000 new jobs in July. Since May of , we've added nearly 4 million new jobs. The unemployment rate is down to 5 percent, below the average of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. And more Americans are working today than ever before in our nation's history.

Recent economic reports show that our economy is growing faster than any other major industrialized nation. Small businesses are flourishing. Workers are taking home more of what they earn. Real disposable personal ine has grown by over 12 percent since the end of 2000. Inflation is low and mortgage rates are low. And over the past year, the home ownership rate in America has reached record levels.

The tax relief stimulated economic vitality and growth and it has helped increase revenues to the Treasury. The increased revenues and our spending restraint have led to good progress in reducing the federal deficit. Last month we learned that the deficit is now projected to be $94 billion less than previously expected. I set a goal of cutting the deficit in half by 2009, and we are ahead of pace to meet that goal.

To continue creating jobs and to ensure that our prosperity reaches every corner of America, we're opening markets abroad for our goods and services. This past week, I was proud to sign the Central American-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement. This historic agreement will level the playing field for America's workers and farmers, and open up a market of 44 million customers for products made in the United States.

To keep our economy growing we also need affordable, reliable supplies of energy. Next week in New Mexico, I'll sign a bipartisan energy bill that encourages conservation, expands domestic production in environmentally sensitive ways, diversifies our energy supply, modernizes our electricity grid and makes America less dependent on foreign sources of energy. And next Wednesday in Illinois, I'll sign a highway bill that will improve the safety of our roads, strengthen our transportation infrastructure and create good jobs.

Our economy is strong, yet I will not be satisfied until every American who wants to work can find a job. So this ing Tuesday I will meet with my economic team in Texas to discuss our agenda to keep the economy moving forward. As Congress considers appropriations bills this fall, we will work with the House and the Senate to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely, or not at all.

We need to make the tax relief permanent, end the death tax forever, and make our tax code simpler, fairer and more pro-growth. We'll continue working on Social Security reform. Social Security is sound for today's seniors, but there's a hole in the safety net for our younger workers, so I'll work with the Congress to strengthen Social Security for our children and grandchildren. I'll continue to press for legal reform to protect small businesses, doctors and hospitals from junk lawsuits. And we will work to make health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans.

The American economy is the envy of the world and we will keep it that way. We will continue to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of America, so more of our citizens can realize the American Dream.

Thank you for listening.

Good morning. As families across the country enjoy the summer, Americans can be optimistic about our economic future. In the past four years, our economy has been through a lot: we faced a stock market decline, a recession, corporate scandals, an attack on our homeland, and the demands of an ongoing war on terror.


President Bush and President Vázquez of Uruguay Participate - 英語演講

March 10, 20

11:53 A.M. (Local)

PRESIDENT VÁZQUEZ: (As translated.) Mr. President of the United States of America, Madam Secretary of State, members of the delegation visiting us, the Minister of State, the Ambassador of the United States of America in Uruguay, the Ambassador of Uruguay in the United States of America, ladies and gentlemen journalists.

Mr. President, I would like to wele you together with the very prestigious delegation that is with you. Mr. President, you represent a people that is a friend of the Uruguayan people. We have historical and friendly relations uniting these two countries, these two peoples. These are firm, respectful relations with solidarity.

In this sense, I would like to give an example with two elements which I think are of significance. First of all, Mr. President, thousands of Uruguayan citizens live in the United States of America and have found in that country a standard of living that they did not have in our country and that forced them to migrate. They bettered themselves there, they have their own families, their work, they have studied, they have health and education for their children. Therefore, this is a very clear element of what the United States people have given to the Uruguayan people.

Undoubtedly, there are many Uruguayans who are waiting, pending legalization of the situation in this country, but I believe your solidarity will help our citizens to be able to live legally in your country.

And the second example I would like to mention is something that we Uruguayans recall very well. When we underwent the most severe economic crisis of our history, where Uruguay was living a very moving and very serious condition, your country, and you, in particular, Mr. President, gave us a hand to help Uruguay to leave that situation in which it was and fought for a way to recovery that we are now trying to consolidate.

Sixteen years ago another President of the United States visited our country -- it was 5 December 1990, and this President was your father. At that time I was the mayor of the city of Montevideo, and I handed him the keys of the city of Montevideo. We had a brief exchange with President Bush, your father, and I recall a statement: "Let us," he said, "leave aside our differences, as we do have certain differences, and let us follow the path of agreement and coincidences that we also have." The defense of democracy as an organization and as a functioning of our societies, but rather as a style of life; the defense of freedoms and the determined struggle to improve the standards of living of our people, giving them work, education and health, are mon elements that permit us to think that we may continue working beyond our differences, Mr. President.

With these words I would like to say that the path we have followed and the dialogue we had today with the President of the United States is precisely this one: to try and increase our trade exchanges, the possibility of placing the fruits of our worker in the markets of the United States of America; try and increase the scientific, technological, cultural exchange with our brother country, and see how together we may have a better standard of living for our people.

Mr. President, members of the U.S. delegation, I hope you may feel at home here. Most wele.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, Mr. President. I feel very much at home. You know, it's -- in my state of Texas, when you invite somebody to your estancia, it's a sign of respect. And I thank you very much for this warm gesture of hospitality, but after all, you are Tejano. (Laughter.)

We've had -- this is our second meaningful dialogue. I remember so well your visit to the Oval Office. You were very articulate about your desire to improve the lives of all people in your country. I was impressed then by your passion and your care.

I was expecting to see a beautiful country when I came here, and that is precisely what I have seen. Your capital city is magnificent. The architecture is really beautiful. And then, of course, we e up to this beautiful place that is so peaceful, and reminds me of the great natural resources that your country has.

We discussed a lot of subjects. First of all, Mr. President, I pletely agree with the spirit of our conversations, that we will find mon ground and we will advance that mon ground for the benefit of our respective peoples.

One place we have mon ground is the respect for human rights and human dignity, respect for rule of law; we wele a free press -- most of the time. (Laughter.) No, all the time. We honor elections. And Uruguay is a strong example of the stability that can e with democracy. But you also recognize that which I recognize, that you can't take democracy for granted, that the people have to see tangible benefits.

And so on my trip to South America and Central America, I want to remind people that the United States and its passionate people care deeply about issues such as education and health, issues that you're concerned about. We spent a lot of time talking about education, and I suspect most Americans don't know that we're actively involved in helping the President institute a program for youngsters to bee more literate, particularly in English. We want to continue helping.

We spent time talking about how we can exchange students in a more -- in a better way. We talked about exchanging ideas, that our experts sit down at the same table to discuss issues such as alternative fuels. In my trip to Brazil yesterday we spent time talking about alternative fuels and the need for the United States and Brazil to work together -- it's the same conversation we had in Uruguay.

We talked about the fact that -- or at least I talked about the fact -- the President is a modest man, but I talked about the fact that the Uruguayan economy is growing at -- estimated at 7 percent. And I congratulate you, sir, on creating the conditions so that people feel fortable making investments that cause economies to grow, and that we want to work together to continue to advance the progress we have made on trade and investment at a pace that both our peoples will be fortable with.

I want to thank you very much for your mitment to democracy and peace in our neighborhood. I congratulate you and the people of Uruguay for providing peacekeepers to Haiti and to the Congo. It is a gesture of a strong nation to reach out to help others realize the benefits of a free society. And you've sent a strong and powerful message.

Finally, I do want to say something about immigration in the United States. The President has spoken eloquently to me about the need for there to be a immigration policy that upholds the values of America. I explained to him that it is my interest to get a prehensive immigration bill out of the United States Congress as soon as possible. I look forward to working with both Republicans and Democrats, Mr. President, to do what is right to uphold the laws of the United States, but at the same time, recognize that, on the one hand, we can't grant automatic citizenship, nor on the other hand, can we kick people out. And so, therefore, there's got to be a rational way forward.

And I pledge to you, as a man who is concerned about people from your country that may be living in the United States, that I will work as hard as I can to have a passionate and rational immigration law that respects the rule of law, but also respects the great traditions of the United States, a tradition which is a weling society; a tradition that says that we wele our diversity because we believe in our diversity we can find the strength of our nation.

And so I've been -- I'm really looking forward to this trip. I'm especially looking forward to the asado. I appreciate the -- I appreciate your willingness to cook some Uruguayan beef. You've told me all along how good it is, and after we answer a few questions, we're about to find out.

So, Mr. President, thank you for your hospitality.

Q My question is addressed to President George Bush. Bearing in mind the regional context governed by Presidents such as Vázquez or Chavez, especially, what similarities and what differences do you find amongst them? And what is your opinion about President Vázquez and Uruguay?

PRESIDENT BUSH: The temptation is to try to get people to talk about their differences. I want to talk about our monalities. We share respect for each other. We respect our countries, we respect our history and traditions, and we share a great respect for a government that -- where the people decide who's in charge.

Interestingly enough, we both have gotten rid of colonial powers in our past, and it is -- I think it is that heritage that makes Uruguay and the United States such natural partners. We talk about the need to invest and to grow economies through investment. That's a mon ground that leads to a positive relationship.

We both recognize that education is vital for the success of our respective countries. When we find illiteracy in the United States, that's where we find poverty, oftentimes. And, therefore, education policy is focused on improving the lives of all by giving people the skills necessary to pete in the 21st century.

I think many people in my country don't know that Uruguay is the leading exporter of software in South America. It means that one of the great assets of this country is the brain power of the country. Oftentimes when you think of a country like Uruguay, you think of natural resources -- fantastic farms, a lot of cows, and lambs, and blueberries -- which, by the way, came up today in our conversation. But I think it is hopeful for both our countries to know that a friend is a leading exporter of something that requires the ingenuity and brainpower of its citizens. And so we find mon ground there as to how to work together.

This is a -- I would call this meeting very constructive and very hopeful and very positive. And the reason why is because we've got so much in mon. There's a lot more that unites us than divides us, Mr. President, and I appreciate the chance to visit with you.


Q President Bush --

PRESIDENT BUSH: Bret Baier. So the guy -- I'm 60 years old and he thinks I can't hear. (Laughter.)

Q Sorry about that. Mr. President, the FBI acknowledged that some agents used post-9/11 powers to demand personal on Americans. What do you say to people who are concerned about the use of these national security letters? And in the wake of how these letters were used, do you still have confidence in Attorney General Gonzales and FBI Director Mueller?

PRESIDENT BUSH: I was briefed by the Attorney General and the Director of the FBI on this subject last week. We spent a lot of time talking about the IG report. First of all, I want to pliment the IG for good and necessary work. They brought the findings of this good work to my attention. My question is, what are you going to do to solve the problem and how fast can you get it solved?

And I was pleased by Director Mueller's answer, that he had already begun to address some of the problems, but there's more work to be done. I thought his testimonies the other day were very good; he took responsibility, as he should have. And I have confidence in Director Mueller, as I do in the Attorney General.

I want to remind you, Bret, and others that the IG report, which justly made issue of FBI shortfallings, also made it clear that these letters were important to the security of the United States. And so we'll address the problems in the report, and those problems will be addressed as quickly as possible.

Q Good afternoon. The first question is addressed to President Bush. You recognize the protectionist obstacles in your government. How flexible may your administration be on making progress in a trade agreement with Uruguay, and what agreement has been reached today?

And the second question for both Presidents. President Vázquez, did you ask President Bush to intercede in the differences that Uruguay and Argentina have --

PRESIDENT BUSH: We spent a lot of time talking about how to address Uruguayan concerns about market access for certain products. The President talked about a variety of issues when it es to trade. He felt like the quotas on certain items, such as cows and sheep, was not fair, and I told him I would absolutely consider requests he made.

You thought I was teasing about blueberries, but I wasn't. It turns out Uruguay produces a fantastic blueberry. And the fundamental question is, will that blueberry -- will the blueberry grower be able to sell product into the United States?

So we talked about a variety of produce. And I told the President, I said, you can't solve problems unless you put the problems on the table, and that where we could help, we would, and where we couldn't, I would give an explanation as to why not.

Now, you brought up protectionist tendencies, and I'm concerned about protectionist tendencies, not only with our own country, but around the world. I happen to believe a world that trades freely and fairly is a world that is more likely to be able to address poverty. And therefore, I'm a strong supporter of pleting the Doha Round of the WTO.

I shared with the President about our strategies as to advance the Doha Round. I spent a lot of time with President Lula -- he was most interested in our conversations, and I shared our conversations. I didn't betray any confidences, of course, but I talked to him about how we need to advance the Doha Round. The United States is fully prepared to reduce agricultural subsidies, as I explained to the President. We just want to make sure there is market access for our products. And that's what I told President Lula, that's what I've told the Europeans, and that's what I shared with the President.

I'm optimistic we can get a deal done. As a matter of fact, our Trade Minister is -- Susan Schwab has remained in São Paulo to talk to her Brazilian counterpart, all aiming at continuing to make progress toward what is a plicated, but necessary deal.

Thank you.

PRESIDENT VÁZQUEZ: As an answer to your first question, I fully agree with what has just been expressed by the President of the United States. We have created a plan starting with this meeting, where our experts, our ministers are going to discuss and make progress on issues of bilateral relationships.

Now, concerning the general multilateral situation, Uruguay has made clear its position in the defense of free trade and tried to have a drop of tariffs and subsidies, which hinder the sale of our great cultural products, particularly. But we have also analyzed the possibility of making progress with the GSP, particularly on certain issues that are going to be considered in the ing weeks.

As to the second part of your question, I have not talked about the problems we have with the republic of Argentina with the President of the United States, amongst other things, because in a few days from now -- in a few weeks, and thanks to the conciliation of His Majesty, the King of Spain, we are going to get closer. We're not going to negotiate. We're going to have a dialogue between the two governments in order to find a friendly way out. We're going to try to e to an understanding and to be able to solve the very sad differences that we have with our brethren of Argentina.

Q Thank you, Mr. President and Mr. President. For President Bush, Hugo Chavez suggested that you are afraid to mention his name. So, are you? And how much of a threat is he to the United States' interests in the hemisphere?

And, President Vázquez, can you discuss at all your position between trying to broaden ties to the United States in terms of trade, but also indicate to your own neighbors that you are -- want to remain integrated in South American trade?

PRESIDENT BUSH: I've e to South America and Central America to advance a positive, constructive diplomacy that is being conducted by my government on behalf of the American people.

My message to the people in our neighborhood is that we care about the human condition and that we believe the human condition can be improved in a variety of ways -- one, investment. And so the question is, how can we have constructive dialogue with our neighbors as to how to spread the benefits of investment?

I also am reminding people that the United States taxpayer is most generous when it es to bilateral aid. Since I've been the President, we've doubled the amount of annual bilateral aid to Latin America from $800 million a year to $1.6 billion a year. And most of the money is aimed at social justice programs, programs like education and health care.

I also know full well that -- and I saw this firsthand yesterday in S o Paulo -- that many American NGOs and faith-based groups and individuals express their concern about the plight of the poor through programs and activities all aimed at giving people a chance. Yesterday in São Paulo we went to a pretty wealthy neighborhood, but it was surrounded by a favela. And there we found in the midst of hopelessness there was a little center of love. And some of the program money had been raised as a result of concerts in the United States, where citizens, average citizens contribute to make sure this program remain viable.

And so the trip is a statement of desire to work together with people in our neighborhood. I've been to Central and South America a lot since I've been the President, because I fully understand a prosperous and peaceful neighborhood is in the interest of the United States of America.

I would call our diplomacy quiet and effective diplomacy -- diplomacy all aimed at helping people, aimed at elevating the human condition, aimed at expressing the great passion of the American people.

And, Mr. President, I appreciate you giving me a chance to e and visit with you, have a dialogue about how we can advance our interests and the interests of our neighborhood.

PRESIDENT VÁZQUEZ: Concerning your question, the strategy for international insertion of Uruguay is quite well defined and quite clear. We are in favor of an open integration process. We are strongly in favor of the regional process. We are where we are and we don't want to leave this place. And the trade we have and the cultural, historical relationships that we have with our brethren countries in the region are very solid, very strong. But we don't want a close integration process, but an open integration process.

This Mercosur should be able to integrate to other blocks or other countries of the world and also each of the members of this process -- for example, Uruguay -- might be able to exercise its sovereign right of developing bilateral relations with other integration processes or other countries. It is in this sense that we are working, and it is in this sense that we are holding with the President of the United States.

Thank you, Mr. President.

END 12:18 P.M. (Local)

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Whole Doc.

Tender No.
. The People's Republic of China has-applied for a loan and creditfrom the World Bank towards the cost of ________________ Project. It isintended that part of the proceeds of this loan and credit will be appliedto eligible payment under various contracts for ____________ , __________,
__________. Tendering is open to all tenderers from eligible source
countries as defined under the "Guidelines for procurement" of the World
. ___________ pany now invites sealed tenders from pre-qualified
tenderers for provision of the necessary labour, materials, equipment and
services for the construction and pletion of the project.
. Pre-qualified tenderers may obtain further from, and
inspect the tender documents at the office of: ________.
. A plete set of tender documents may be obtained by any
pre-qualified tenderer for the cost of RMB _________ or US $ ___________
on the submission of a written application to the above.
. All tenders must be acpanied by a Tender Security in an
acceptable form and must be delivered to ________ pany at the
above-mentioned address (refer to Item ) on or before ___________.
. Tenders will be opened in the presence of those tenderers'
representatives who choose to attend at ____________ (time).
. If a prequalified foreign tenderer wishes to form Joint venture
with a domestic contractor, such a request will be considered if received
within ______ days before the closing date for submission of tenders. The
selected local contractor shall be subject to approval by the mployer.
. The Pre-Tender Meeting will be held on __________ at the following
address: _________.

Instructions to Tenderers


. Description of Works (sketch)
All tenderers shall have equal access for supply of domestic labour
and material.
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the procurement of
local labour, materials, transportation and other services.
The mployer will assist Contractor in locating potential number of
suppliers for local labour, materials. The mployer will also assist the
contractor in making his own arrangement for supply of fuel and

. Source of Funds
. The People's Republic of China has applied for a loan and credit
from the World Bank (hereinafter referred to as the IFI) towards the cost
of ____________ Project, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of
the loan and credit to eligible payments under the Contract for which
these documents are issued. Payment by the IFI will be made only at the
request of the Chinese Government and upon approval by the IFI and will be
subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement.
No party other than the People's Republic of China shall derive any rights
from the Loan Agreement or have any claim to the loan proceeds.
. Payment from the proceeds of the World Bank Loan will be limited
to goods produced in, and services supplied from, Switzerland and the
member countries of the World Bank which have mercial relations with
. All costs not met by the IFI Loan will be paid by the mployer
from funds allocated by the Government of China.

. ligibility and Qualification Requirements
. This tender is open to all pre-qualified tenderers from eligible
source countries as defined under the "Guidelines for Procurement" of the
world Bank.
. All goods and services to be supplied under this Contract shall
have their origin in eligible source countries, and all expenditures made
under the Contract will be limited to such goods and services.
. The origin of goods and services is distinct from the nationality
of the tenderer.
. To be eligible for award of contract, tenderers shall have
provided evidence satisfactory to the mployer of their eligibility under
clause . above, and of their capability and adequacy of resources to
effectively carry out the Contract. To this end, the mployer and
____________ pany may, at any time prior to award of contract, request
tenderers to amplify or update previously submitted prequalification data.
All Tenders submitted shall include the following :
(a) copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal
status, place of registration and principal place of business of the
pany, firm or partnership or, if joint venture, of each party thereto
constituting the tenderer;
(b) the qualifications and experience of key personnel proposed for
administration and execution of the Contract, both on and off site, in the
format prescribed in Schedule V;
(c) major items of constructional plant and equipment proposed for use
in carrying out the Contract in the format prescribed in Schedule IV;
(d) a list of proposed sub-contractors in the format prescribed in
Schedule VI;
(e) regarding any current litigation in which the tenderer
is involved;
(f) the details of the construction methods proposed.

. For the purposes of sub-clause ., tenderers who have been
pre-qualified may update and augment the supplied with their
application for pre-qualification, and, in particular, shall give
particulars of work in hand at the date of tendering.
. Tenders submitted by a joint venture of two or more firms as
partners shall ply with the following requirements:
(a) the tender, and in case of a successful tender the Form of
Agreement, shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners;
(b) one of the Joint Venture members shall be nominated as sponsor;
and this authorisation shall be evidenced by submitting a power of
attorney signed by legally authorised signatories of all the members of
the joint venture;
(c) the joint venture sponsor shall be authorised to incur liabilities
and receive instructions for and on behalf of any and all members of the
joint venture and the entire execution of the Contract including payment
shall be done exclusively with the joint venture sponsor;
(d) all members of the joint venture shall be liable jointly and
severally for the execution of the Contract in accordance with the
Contract terms, and a relevant statement to this effect shall be included
in the authorisation mentioned under (b) above as well as in the Form of
Tender and the Form of Agreement (in case of a successful tender); and
(e) a copy of the agreement entered into by the joint venture partners
shall be submitted with the tender.
. Domestic tenderers or binations or joint ventures of domestic
and foreign tenderers applying for eligibility for the application of a
_____% margin of preference in the parison of their tender with other
tenders shall supply all required to satisfy the criteria for
eligibility as described in Clause of these Instructions.

. Cost of Tendering
The tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
submission of his tender and neither the mployer nor his agent
___________ pany will in any way be responsible or liable for those
costs, regardless of the oute of the tendering process.

. Site Visit
. The tenderer is advised to visit and examine the Site of the Works
and the surroundings and to obtain for himself on his own responsibility,
all that may be necessary for preparing the tender and
entering into a contract. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the
tenderer's own expense.
. Arrangements for a visit to site, including transportation and
acmodation. will be made by the mployer or his agent _________ pany
and will be advised to tenderers at the pre- tender meeting, details of
which are given in Clause of these Instructions to Tenderers.,
. The tenderer and any of his representatives will be granted
permission by the mployer or his agent ___________ pany to enter upon
its premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection by prior
arrangement, but only upon the express condition that the tenderer and his
representatives, will release and indemnify the mployer or his agent
___________ pany and its personnel from and against all liability in
respect thereof and will be responsible for personal injury (whether fatal
or otherwise), loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage,
costs and expenses however caused, which, but for the exercise of such
permission, would not have arisen.

Tender Documents

. Content of Tender Documents
. The set of documents issued to pre-qualified tenderers for the
purpose of tendering will cost RMB_______ or US $ ______ and will include
the stated number of copies of the following:
Number of copies Description
Volume Instructions to Tenderers
Conditions of Contract:
Part I--General
Part II--Conditions of Particular
Volume Specification
(incl. list of Drawings)
Volume Form of Tender and Appendix thereto
Form of Tender Security
Bill of Quantities
&nsp; Schedules of Supplementary Information
Volume Drawings
. Tender documents shall include any addenda issued prior to the
closing date of tenders in accordance with Clause and any minutes of
pre-tender meetings issued in accordance with Clause of these
Instructions to Tenderers.
. Further copies of the documents may be purchased by pre-qualified
tenderers for a non-refundable fee as follows: (sketch)
. Sub-contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and others who require
copies of the documents shall not request them directly from _____________
but shall obtain them only from pre-qualified tenderers.
. On return of the documents in an undamaged and useable condition,
either as part of a tender or otherwise, within the specified time limits,
the tenderer's pre-qualification fee will be refunded, as follows:
(a) Tender submitted: _________________% refund of fee
(b) Tender not submitted but ________________% refund of fee
documents returned prior to closing date of tender
. The tenderer is expected to examine carefully all instructions,
conditions, forms, terms, specifications and drawings in the tender
documents. Failure to ply with the requirements of the Instructions to
Tenderers will be at the tenderer's own risk. Tenders which are not
substantially responsive to the requirements of the tender documents may
be rejected.
. The four volumes of the tender documents have been collated and
bound by mechanical means and tenderers should check to ensure that they
contain all pages (which are numbered consecutively) and that all
supplements referred to are also included.

. Clarification of Tender Documents
. A Prospective tenderer requiring any clarification of the tender
documents may notify ___________ in writing or by telex at the following
address: __________.
The mployer or his agent _____________ will respond in writing to any
request for clarification which is received more than _____ days prior to
the deadline for submission of tenders. Written copies of the response
(including an explanation of the query, but without identifying the source
of the inquiry) will be sent to all prequalified tenderers who have been
issued with tender documents.
. Amendment of Tender Documents
. Prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, the mployer may,
for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a
clarification requested by a prospective tenderer, modify the tender
documents by the issue of an Addendum.
. The Addendum will be sent in writing or by telex or telegram to
all pre-qualified tenderers who have picked up the tender documents and
will be binding upon them. Prospective tenderers shall promptly
acknowledge receipt thereof by telex or telegram to ____________.
. In order to afford prospective tenderers reasonable time in which
to take an Addendum into account in preparing their tenders, the mployer
or his agent _________ may, at their discretion, extend the deadline for
the submission of tenders in accordance with Clause hereof.

Preparation of Tenders

. Language of Tender
. The tender and all correspondence relating to the tender exchanged
by the tenderer and the mployer or his agent __________ shall be in
nglish. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the
tenderer with the tender may be in another language provided they are
acpanied by an appropriate nglish translation of pertinent passages.
For the purpose of interpretation of the tender, the nglish version shall

. Documents prising the Tender
. The tender to be Prepared by the tenderer shall contain the
the Form of Tender and Appendix thereto;
the Tender Security;
the priced Bill of Quantities;
the Schedules of Supplementary Information;
the on eligibility and qualifications;
alternative offers, if any; and
any other required to be submitted in accordance with
these Instructions.
The Forms, Bill of Quantities and Schedules provided in Volume of
these documents shall be used without exception (subject to extensions of
the Schedules in the same format, and to the provisions of Clause .
hereof regarding the alternative forms of tender security).
. All documents issued for the purpose of tendering as described in
Clause . and addenda issued in accordance with Clause shall be deemed
incorporated in the tender. Tender documents not required to be signed and
submitted in accordance with Clauses and shall be returned to the
office of issue before the expiry of the tender validity period, but must
not be enclosed with the Tender.
. Tenderers shall submit with their tender a preliminary Programme
in the format required by Clause of the Conditions of Contract.
. The successful tenderer will be required to revise or augment his
Programme as set out in the Contract.

. Tender Prices
. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the tender documents, the
Contract shall be for the whole of the Works ______ as described in Clause
hereof, based on the schedules of unit rates and amounts submitted by
the tenderer.
. The tenderer shall fill in rates and amounts for all items of
work described in the Bill of Quantities, whether quantities are stated or
not. Items against which no rate or amount is entered by the tenderer will
not be paid for by the mployer when executed and shall be deemed covered
by the other rates and amounts entered in the Bill of Quantities.
. All duties, taxes and other levies payable by the Contractor
under the Contract, or for any other cause, as at the date ________ days
prior to the date for submission of tenders shall be included in the rates
and amounts and total tender sum submitted by the tenderer, and the
evaluation and parison of tenders by the mpoyer shall be made
. The rates and amounts entered by the tenderer shall be subject to
adjustment during the performance of the Contract in accordance with the
provisions of the Conditions of Contract. The tenderer shall plete
Schedule III-Price Adjustment Provisions and shall submit with his tender
such other supporting as is required under Clause of the
Conditions of Contract.

. Currencies of Tender and Payment
. The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the tender entirely
in RMB. A tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in other currencies for
inputs to the Works supplied from outside China (referred to as "the
foreign currency requirements") shall indicate in Schedule I of "Foreign
Currency Requirements" the percentage of the Tender Price (excluding
Provisional Sums) needed by him for the payment of such foreign currency
requirements either (i) entirely in the currency of the tenderer's home
country or, at the tenderer's option, (ii) entirely in US dollars, always
provided that a tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in a currency or
currencies other than those stated in (i) and (ii) above for a portion of
the foreign currency requirements, and wishing to be paid accordingly,
shall so indicate the percentage portion in his tender. The percentage
portion indicated shall remain fixed for the duration of the Contract. The
amounts in various currencies calculated on the basis of the percentages
indicated in the Tender and by use of the exchange rates indicated in
subclause . hereinafter, shall be used for the purpose of conversion
and parison of tenders pursuant to Clause .
. The rates of exchange to be used by the tenderer for currency
conversion shall be the governing selling rates published by the Bank of
China on the date ______ day prior to the latest date for the submission
of tenders. If exchange rages are not so published for certain currencies,
the tenderer shall state the rates used and the source. For the purpose of
payments, the exchange rates used in tender preparation shall apply for
the duration of the Contract.
. The total amount of foreign and local currencies expected to be
required by tenderers shall be substantiated in Schedules I and I
(A)-Foreign Currency and Local Currency Requirements, and the annex
thereto, Tenderers shall describe the manner in which such foreign and
local currencies are expected to be used, relating specifically, but not
limited to:
Foreign Currency
(a) xpatriate staff directly employed on the Works:
(b) social charges, insurance premiums and medical care related to
such staff, and travel expenses between China and the country of origin;
(c) a list of the imported materials, both temporary and permanent,
required for the Works;
(d) depreciation and usage of plant and equipment, including spare
parts, required for the Works;
(e) insurance and freight charges for imported materials, plant and
equipment, including spare parts; and
(f) overhead expenses, fees and financial charges incurred outside
Local Currency
(g) local labour;
(h) local materials;
(i) other services, and;
(j) overhead expenses, fees and financial charges within China.
. Tenderers may be required by the mployer to clarify their
foreign currency requirements, and to provide satisfactory proof that the
amounts included in the unit rates and in Schedule I are reasonable and
responsive to sub-clause . hereof.
. The tender shall plete Schedule II - stimated Contract
Payments and shall substantiate the tabulation of this Schedule by
attaching a table indicating anticipated major quantities of work
performed over the duration of the Works.

. Tender Validity
. The tender shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a
period of six calendar months from the specified date of tender closing.
. In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original
tender validity period, the mployer or his agent ____________ may request
the tenderers for a specified extension to the period of validity. The
request and the responses thereto shall be made in writing or by telex or
telegram. A tenderer may refuse the request without forfeiting his tender
security. A tenderer agreeing to the extension will not be required nor
permitted to alter his tender, but will be required to extend the validity
of his tender security correspondingly. The provisions of Clause hereof
regarding discharge and forfeiture of tender security shall continue to
apply during the extended period.

. Tender Security
. The tenderer shall furnish, as part of his tender, a tender
security in RMB Yuan in an amount of not less than _____ % of the Tender
. The tender security shall, at the tenderer's option, be in the
form of a certified cheque, a bank draft, an irrevocable letter of credit
or a guarantee from either:
(a) Bank of China;
(b) any of its correspondent bank abroad through Bank of China;
(c) any other Chinese or foreign bank operating in China;
(d) any other foreign bank determined by the Tenderer in advance of
submission of bids to be acceptable to ___________.
or a bond issued by an insurance pany or bonding pany likewise
located. The format of the bank guarantee or bond shall be in accordance
with one of the sample forms included in these documents; other formats
may be permitted subject to the prior approval of the mployer or his
agent __________. Letters of credit, bank guarantees and tender bonds
shall be valid for one calendar month beyond the validity of the tender.
. In the event of a Tenderer agreeing to a specified extension of
tender validity in accordance with Clause of the Instructions to
Tenderers, the Tenderer shall Provide an extension in the validity of the
tender security of one calendar month beyond the validity of the extended
. Any tender not acpanied by an acceptable tender security will
be ejected by _________ as non-responsive.
. The tender securities of unsuccessful tenderers will be
discharged or returned as promptly as possible, but not later than ______
days after the expiration of the period of tender validity prescribed.
. The tender security of the successful tenderer will be discharged
or returned upon the tenderer executing the Contract and furnishing the
required performance security.
. The tender security may be forfeited:
(a) if a tenderer withdraws his tender during the period of tender
validity; or
(b) in the case of the successful tenderer, if he fails to:
(i) sign the Agreement; or
(ii) furnish the necessary performance security.

. Alternative Offers
. The tenderer shall submit a basic tender which plies fully
with the requirements of the tender documents. The tenderer may, at his
option, and in addition to the basic tender, offer tenders incorporating
alternatives to any of the following items now specified:
(a) Advance Loan for Mobilisation
An interest free advance loan will be made available to assist the
Contractor before mencing construction of the Works. Offers may be made
for such a loan of up to ________% of the Tender Sum. valuation will be
made of the associated costs or savings accruing to the mployer in
accordance with Clause .
(b) (written as specific conditions).
. Alternatives may be submitted in addition to basic tender. In
order for alternatives to be considered in the process of tender
evaluation, each alternative shall be acpanied by a detailed price
breakdown indicating the tenderer's estimate of the additional or reduced
cost in present value to the mployer (refer to subclause . hereof)
pared to the basic Tender Sum. parison and evaluation will be done
for the basic offer and alternatives of the lowest evaluated tenderer will
be given due consideration. If the alternative offers were to be accepted
by the mployer, these will be incorporated into the Contract. Alternative
offers which are not priced, or which are not substantiated in sufficient
detail, will be rejected.
. Offers of technical alternatives shall be acpanied by all
necessary for a plete evaluation, including design
calculations, drawings, method statements and specifications for materials
and workmanship where the alternative is not covered by the Specification,
together with a breakdown of the alternative prices and the Total
Alternative Contract Sum.
. Only those alternative offers which appear to provide additional
financial, economic or technical benefits over the basic offer will be
considered by the mployer in tender evaluation (refer to Clause ).

. Pre-Tender Meeting
. The tenderer or his official representative is advised to attend
a pre-tender meeting which will convene on ______________at ___________ at
the ___________.
. The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to
answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage and to
allow tenderers to inspect the Site and to examine conditions.
. Tenderers are requested to submit any questions in writing or by
telex or telegram, to reach__________ not later than one week before the
. Minutes of the meeting, including copies of the questions raised
and responses given, will be furnished expeditiously to all those
attending the meeting, and subsequently to all pre-qualified tenderers who
have picked up the tender documents. Any modification of the tender
documents listed in sub-clause . which may bee necessary as a result
of the pre-tender meeting shall be made by the mployer or his agent
___________ exclusively through the issue of an Addendum pursuant to
Clause , and not through the minutes of the pre-tender meeting.

. Format and Signing of Tenders
. The tenderer shall prepare one original and two duplicate copies
of the documents prising the tender as described in Clause . hereof,
bound within the Volume , and clearly marked "Original Tender" and
"Duplicate Tender" as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between
them, the original shall prevail.
. The original and two duplicate copies of the tender shall be
typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or
persons duly authorised to bind the tenderer to the Contract. Proof of
authorisation shall be furnished in the form of a written Power of
Attorney which shall acpany the tender. All pages of the tender where
entries or amendments have been made shall be initialled by the person or
persons signing the tender.
. The plete tender shall be without alterations, interlineations
or erasures, except those to accord with the instructions of any Agenda
issued, or as necessary to correct errors made by the tenderer, in which
case such corrections shall be initialled by the person or persons signing
the tender.
. Only one tender may be submitted by each tenderer, not including
alternative offers submitted pursuant to Clause hereof. No tenderer may
participate in the tender of another for the same contract in any relation

. Sealing and Marking of Tenders
. The tenderer shall seal the original and two duplicate tenders
each in an inner and an outer envelope, duly marking the envelopes as
"Original" and "Duplicate".
. The inner and outer envelopes shall:
(a) be addressed to _________. (address of employer's agent)
(b) bear the following details:
(i) Tender for Construction of Contract _________;
(ii) _________ Project;
(iii) "Do not open before __________."
. The inner envelopes shall bear the name and address of the
tenderer to enable the tender to be returned unopened in case it is
declared late. The outer envelope shall not bear any identification of the
. If the outer envelope is not marked as instructed above,
_________ Copany will assume no responsibility for the misplacement or
premature opening of the tender. A tender opened prematurely for this
cause will be rejected by the mployer or his agent ___________ and
returned to the tenderer.

. Deadline for Submission of Tenders
. Tenders must be received by ______________ at the address
specified above no later than _________.
. The mployer or his agent __________ pany may, at their
discretion, on giving not less than ________ calendar days notice by telex
or telegram to all pre-qualified tenderers who have picked up the tender
documents, extend the deadline for the submission of tenders by issuing an
Addendum in accordance with Clause , in which case all rights and
obligations of the mployer and the tenderers previously subject to the
deadline shall thereafter be subject to the new deadline as extended.

. Late Tenders
Any tender received by ___________ pany after the prescribed
deadline for submission of tenders will be returned unopened.

. Modification and Withdrawal of Tenders
. The tenderer may modify or withdraw his tender after submission,
provided that the modification or notice of withdrawal is received in
writing by __________ pany prior to the prescribed deadline for
submission of tenders.
. The tenderer's modification or notice of withdrawal shall be
prepared, sealed, marked and desed in accordance with the provisions
for the submission of tenders. A notice of withdrawal may also be sent by
telex or telegram, but shall be followed by a signed confirmation copy,
postmarked not later than the deadline for submission of tenders.
. Subject to Clause hereof, no tender may be modified subsequent
to the deadline for submission of tenders.
. Withdrawal of a tender during the interval between the deadline
for submission of tenders and the expiration of the period of tender
validity may result in the forfeiture of tender security pursuant to
Clause .

Tender Opening and valuation

. Tender Opening
. The mployer or his agent __________ will open the tenders, in
the presence of tenderers' representatives who choose to attend, at
___________ on _______________ at the offices of __________. Tenderers'
representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their
. Tenders for which an acceptable notice of withdrawal has been
submitted pursuant to Clause hereof shall not be opened. The mployer
or his agent ___________ will examine the tenders to determine whether
they are plete, whether the requisite tender securities have been
furnished, whether the documents have been Properly signed, and whether
the tenders are generally in order.
. The tenderers' names, total amounts of tenders, tender price
modifications and tender withdrawals, if any, the presence of the
requisite tender security and such other details as the mployer or his
agent ____________, at their discretion, may consider appropriate will be
announced at the opening.
. The mployer or his agent _____________ shall prepare minutes of
the tender opening for his own records. Such minutes shall be sent to the
World Bank together with the report on the evaluation of tenders as soon
as the latter is available.

. Process to be Confidential
. After the public opening of tenders, relating to the
examination, clarification, evaluation and parison of tenders and
remendations concerning the award of contract shall not be disclosed to
tenderers or other persons not officially concerned with such process
until the award of a contract to the successful tenderer has been
. Any effort by a tenderer to influence the mployer in the process
of examination, clarification, evaluation and parison of tenders and
decisions concerning award of contract may result in the rejection of his

. Clarification of Tenders
To assist in the examination, evaluation and parison of tenders,
the mployer and _______________ pany may ask tenderers individually
for clarification of their tenders, including breakdowns of unit prices.
The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by
telex or telegram, but no change in the price or substance of the tender
shall be sought, offered or permitted except as required to confirm the
correction of arithmetical errors discovered by the mployer during the
evaluation of tenders in accordance with Clause hereof.

. Determination of Responsiveness
. Prior to the detailed evaluation of tenders, the mployer and
_________ pany will determine whether each tender is substantially
responsive to the requirements of the tender documents.
. For the purpose of this Clause, a substantially responsive tender
is one which conforms to all the terms, conditions and specifications of
the tender documents without material deviation or reservation. A material
deviation is one which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality
or administration of the Works, or which limits in any substantial way,
inconsistent with the tender documents, the mployer's rights or the
tenderer's obligations under the Contract, and the rectification of which
deviation or reservation would affect unfairly the petitive position of
other tenderers offering substantially responsive tenders.
. If a tender is not substantially responsive to the requirements
of the tender documents, it shall be rejected by the mployer and
_________ pany.

. Correction of rrors
. Tenders determined to be substantially responsive will be checked
by the mployer for any arithmetical errors in putation and summation.
rrors will be corrected by the mployer as follows:
(a) Where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in
words, the amount in words will normally govern, unless it is lear from
the context that the amount in figures is correct; and
(b) where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the total
amount derived from the multiplication of the unit rate and the quantity,
the unit rate as quoted will normally govern unless, in the opinion of the
mployer, there is obviously a gross error in the unit rate; in which
event the total amount as quoted will govern and the unit rate will be
. The amount stated in the Form of Tender will be adjusted by the
mployer in accordance with the above procedure for the correction of
errors and, with the concurrence of the tenderer, shall be considered as
binding upon the tenderer. The tenderer may, at his option, withdraw his
tender if acceptance of the corrected amount would cause hardship. However
in cases such as this, the tenderer is warned that such an action may
cause his tender security to be forfeited.

. Conversion to Single Currency
The Tender Price is the sum of all payments stated or expressed as a
percentage in various currencies required to be made to the tenderer. To
facilitate evaluation and parison of tenders, the mployer will convert
the amounts in various currencies in which the Tender Price is payable
(excluding Provisional Sums but including Daywork, where priced
petitively) to RMB at the selling rates established by Bank of China,
on the date specified for the opening of tenders.

. valuation and parison of Tenders
. The mployer and _____________ pany will evaluate and pare
only those tenders determined to be substantially responsive to the
requirements of the tender documents in accordance with Clause hereof.
The valuation and parison shall be based only on the "Basic" offer to
determine the lowest evaluated tenderer for award of the Contract.
. In evaluating tenders, the mployer will determine for each
tender the valuated Tender Price by adjusting the tender price as
(a) making any correction for errors pursuant to Clause ;
(b) excluding Provisional Sums and the provision, if any, for
Contingencies in the Summary Bill of Quantities, but including Dayworks
where priced petitively;
(c) converting all amounts to a single currency;
(d) adding any monetary cost of Mobilisation Advances, assessed in
accordance with sub-clause .
(e) making an appropriate adjustment for any other acceptable
quantifiable variations, deviations or alternative offers not reflected in
the tender price or in the above-mentioned other adjustments.
(f) such other factors as the mployer considers may have a
potentially significant impact on contract execution, price and payments,
including the effect of items or unit rates in the tender that are
unbalanced or unrealistically priced.
. The monetary costs to the mployer of variations in the amount of
mobilisation advances requested by tenderers pursuant to sub-clauses .
(a), using a discount rate of ______ percent per annum, shall be added to
the respective tenderer's tender price for parison purposes only.
. The mployer and ___________ pany reserves the right to accept
or reject any variation, deviation or alternative offer. Variations,
deviations, alternative offers and other factors which are in excess of
the requirements of the tender documents or otherwise result in the
accrual of unsolicited benefits to the mployer may not be taken into
account in tender evaluation.
. Price adjustment provisions applying to the period of execution
of the Contract shall not be taken into account in tender evaluation.
. If the tender of the successful tenderer is seriously unbalanced
in relation to the ngineer's estimate of the real cost of work to be
performed under the Contract, the mployer may require that the amount of
the performance security set forth in Clause be increased at the
expense of the successful tenderer to a level sufficient to protect the
mployer against financial loss in the event of subsequent default of the
successful tenderer under the Contract.

. Preference for Domestic Tenderers
. Domestic tenderers shall satisfy the following criteria to be
eligible for a _______% margin of preference in the parison of their
tenders with those of non-eligible tenderers:
(a) be registered within China;
(b) have majority ownership by nationals of China; and
(c) shall not subcontract more than ________% of the contract works
(in terms of value) to foreign contractors.
. binations and joint ventures between domestic and foreign
firms shall be eligible for the margin of preference provided:
(a) the domestic partner or partners individually satisfy the criteria
for eligibility set out above;
(b) the domestic partner or partners will, under the arrangements
proposed, carry out at least ________% of the contract works, measured in
terms of value.
(c) The domestic partner or partners would not be qualified for the
Contract Works in question on technical or financial grounds without the
foreign participation.
. The following procedure will be used to give effect to the margin
of preference:
(a) After tenders have been evaluated fully in accordance with the
provisions of Clause hereinabove, responsive tenders will be classified
into the following groups;
(i) Group A: tenders offered by domestic tenderers meeting the
criteria set forth in sub-clause . hereinabove and by joint ventures
meeting the criteria set forth in sub-clause . hereinabove; and
(ii) Group B: tenders offered by other tenderers.
(b) For the purpose of further evaluation and parison of tenders
only, an amount equal to _________ percent of the tender price (as
adjusted pursuant to paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of sub-clause .) will
be added to the valuated Tender Price of tenders classified in Group B.

&bsp; Award of Contract

. Award Criteria
Subject to Clause , the mployer and ________ pany may award the
Contract to the tenderer whose tender has been determined to be
substantially responsive to the tendering documents and who has offered
the lowest valuated Tender Price pursuant to Clause and paragraph (b)
of sub-clause . (if applicable), provided further that the tenderer has
the capability and resources to carry out the Contract effectively (refer
to sub-clause .), but the employer and _________ pany gives no
guarantee that the lowest or any tender will be accepted.

. mployer's Rights
Notwithstanding Clause , the mployer reserves the right to accept
or reject any tender, and to annul the tendering process and reject all
tenders, at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring
any liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers or any obligation to
inform the affected tenderer or tenderers of the grounds for the
mployer's action.

. Notification of Award
. Prior to the expiration of the period of tender validity
prescribed by the mployer, the mployer will notify the successful
tenderer by telex or telegram confirmed in writing by registered letter
that his tender has been accepted. This letter (hereinafter and in the
Conditions of Contract called the "Letter of Acceptance") shall name the
sum which the mployer will pay to the Contractor in consideration of the
execution, pletion and maintenance of the Works by the Contractor as
prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract
called the "Tender Sum").
. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the
. Upon the furnishing by the successful tenderer of a performance
security in accordance with the provisions of Clause hereof, the
mployer will promptly notify the other tenderers that their tenders have
been unsuccessful.

. Signing of Agreement
. Within ________ days of notifying the successful tenderer that
his tender has been accepted, the mployer will send to the tenderer two
copies of the Form of Agreement provided in the tender documents,
incorporating all agreements between the parties.
. Within__________ days of receipt of the Form of Agreement, the
successful tenderer shall execute the Agreement by signing or sealing, as
appropriate, and return both copies to the mployer. The mployer will
then execute the Agreement and return one copy to the Contractor.

. Performance Security
. Within _________ days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the
successful tenderer shall furnish to the mployer a security for the due
performance of the Contract, in accordance with the Conditions of
Contract. The form of performance security provided in the tender
documents may be used, or some other form acceptable to the mployer.
. If the performance security is to be provided by the successful
tenderer in the form of a bank guarantee, it shall be issued either by a
local bank; by a foreign bank through a correspondent local bank; or by a
foreign bank which has been determined by the tenderer to be acceptable to
the mployer.
. If the performance security is to be provided by the successful
tenderer in the form of a bond, it shall be issued by a bonding
orinsurance pany which has been determined by the tenderer to
beacceptable to the mployer.
. Failure of the successful tenderer to ply with there
quirements of Clauses or hereof shall constitute sufficient
grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the tender
security, in which event the mployer may make the award to the next
lowest evaluated tenderer or, if there are no other tenderers, call for
new tenders.




45 seconds. One billion viewers. Oscar winners are given one of the largest platforms in the world for public speech. Here are some tips for how to write good acceptance speech.

The Napkin Speech

A repugnant form of false modesty somehow the winners always end up pulling out some chicken scratch speech written on a lottery ticket or coaster. "Forgive me," one 2006 winner said, "I wrote this on my valet parking ticket." I, for one, won't forgive you or anyone else who fumbles for a piece of scrap paper and then mumbles incoherently until the orchestra starts playing. Where's your sense of show?

Thanking Your Agent

If you don't thank everyone at CAA you might as well take that shovel from the hands of the golden statue and start digging your own grave. Or at least that's the mon thought. Nowadays, people just rattle off a bunch of studio heads. I say if you're going to give us a laundry list of names, at least out your 4th grade English teacher along the way, as Tom Hanks once did.

When to pull out the tears

This is a tough one. Tears can be moving or just plain distracting. It's all in the timing, so never cry before reaching the podium. Sniffling is acceptable, and wiping tears is downright encouraged, but if one of the presenters has to help you off stage, then your performance has gone too far. Also, and this is important, the supporting actor or actress should never cry. They're receiving an Oscar for being supportive, not for being a blubbery mess.

Be Yourself, Even if That Self is Shallow

When Cher won an Oscar for her role in "Moonstruck," she received a lot of flack for showering her makeup artist, hairdresser, and assistant with thanks, while failing to mention her co-stars or director. While this may have been politically incorrect, at least she said what was on her mind, which is something that has been absent from Oscar speeches of recent memory.

Never Underestimate the Appeal of Your Mother

Thanking your mom is a must. It's the only person to thank really. And talking about the sacrifices she made is even better. If she's in the audience, have her stand up. If this seems excessive, keep in mind that David Letterman has made a living off of exploiting his innocent mother on air.

Phrases to avoid

"Wow, this thing is heavy." Talk about the world's smallest violin. You just won an academy award, and the first thing you do is plain about how difficult it is to hold?

"The list is too long." How many people want to be one in a long list of many? You might as well just thank "the little people." "The gold boy" This just sounds wrong. Isn't the nickname Oscar cute enough?

"The man with the stick" This impolite term for conductor was coined by Julia Roberts.




有些獲獎者總是錯誤地表現本人的謙虛,噹眾拿出一張獎券大概杯子墊,上里寫著蛛蛛爬般的感言。一名獲獎者說:“不好心思,我寫在汽車罰款單上了。” 我不會本諒他或任何獲獎者探索出一張破紙,收枝梧吾地哼唧到音樂響起。你有沒有點演出感?


假如你不感謝每位CAA人員,就犹如接過小金人脚中的剷子自挖墳墓。這是常識。现在,人們只是疾速天揹誦一連串事情室老板的名字。要我說,假如你真的要給出一籮筐人名,最少要參攷Tom Hanks的感言,也說說四年級的英語老師。






感謝母親是必須的,果為這是独一一個实正應該感謝的。假如能說說她為你所做的犧牲便更好了。假如她正在場,讓她起身表示。若是您覺得這有些过剩,看看David Letterman,他無辜的媽媽總被他推上節目。



“名單真長啊。” 你晓得有几人念成為長名單中的一員麼?不如你只感謝“君子”一個算了。

“金男孩”。這聽上往可不怎麼樣。難讲Oscar這個暱稱還不夠可愛麼? “拿棍兒的人”。這個對樂隊指揮的戲稱是Julia Roberts的專利。


好國總統佈什正在浑華年夜壆的演講 - 英語演講

President Bush:

Vice President Hu, thank you for your words of wele. I am grateful for your hospitality, and honored by this reception at one of China's great universities. Tsinghua University was founded, with the support of America, to further the ties between our two nations. I know how important this place is to the Vice President, who earned his degree here and even more important, met his gracious wife Liu Yongqing here.

I also thank the students here for this opportunity to meet with you, to talk a little bit about my country and answer some of your questions. The standards and reputation of this university are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here. My wife Laura and I have two daughters in college, one at Yale and the other at the University of Texas. We are proud of our daughters just like I am sure your parents are proud of you.

My visit to China es on an important anniversary. Thirty years ago this week, an American President arrived in China on a trip designed to end decades of estrangement and confront centuries of suspicion. President Richard Nixon showed the world that two vastly different governments could meet on the grounds of mon interest, and in a spirit of mutual respect. As they left the airport that day, Premier Zhou Enlai said to President Nixon, ``Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world twenty-five years of no munication.''

During the 30 years since, America and China have exchanged many handshakes of friendship and merce. And as we have had more contact with each other, the citizens of our two countries have gradually learned more about each other.

Once, America knew China only by its history as a great and enduring civilization. Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, scholarship, and honor. And we see a China that is being one of the most dynamic and creative societies in the world as demonstrated by all the knowledge and potential right here in this room.

China is on a rising path, and America weles the emergence of a strong, peaceful, and prosperous China.

As America learns more about China, I am concerned that the Chinese people do not always see a clear picture of my country. This happens for many reasons, some of them of our own making. Our movies and television shows often do not portray the values of the real America I know. Our successful businesses show the strength of American merce, but the munity spirit and contributions of those businesses are not always as visible as their monetary success. Some of the erroneous pictures of America are painted by others. My friend, the Ambassador to China, tells me that some Chinese textbooks talk of Americans ``bullying the weak and repressing the poor.'' Another Chinese textbook, published just last year, teaches that special agents of the FBI are used to ``repress the working people.''

Neither of these is true and while the books may be leftovers from a previous era, they are misleading and harmful. In fact, Americans feel a special responsibility for the poor and the weak. Our government spends billions of dollars to provide health care and food and housing for those who cannot help themselves and even more important, many of our citizens contribute their own money and time to help those in need. American passion stretches way beyond our borders. We are the number one provider of humanitarian aid to people in need throughout the world. As for the men and women of our FBI and law enforcement, they are themselves working people who devote their lives to fighting crime and corruption.

My country certainly has its share of problems and faults; like most nations we're on a long journey toward achieving our own ideals of equality and justice. Yet there is a reason our nation shines as a beacon of hope and opportunity, a reason many throughout the world dream of ing to America.

We are a free nation, where men and women have the opportunity to achieve their dreams. No matter your background or circumstance of birth, in America you can get a good education, start a business, raise a family, worship freely and help elect the leaders of your munity and country. You can support the policies of our government, or you are free to openly disagree with them. Those who fear freedom sometimes argue it could lead to chaos, but it does not, because freedom means more than every man for himself.

Liberty gives our citizens many rights, yet expects them to exercise important responsibilities. Our liberty is given direction and purpose by moral , shaped in strong families, strong munities, and strong religious institutions and overseen by a strong and fair legal system.

My country's greatest symbol to the world, the Statue of Liberty, was designed with great care. As you look closely, you will see that she is holding not one object, but two. In one hand is the familiar torch, the light of liberty. In the other is a book of law.

We are a Nation of laws. Our courts are honest and independent. The President can't tell the courts how to rule and neither can any other member of the executive or legislative branch. Under our law, everyone stands equal. No one is above the law, and no one is beneath it.

All political power in America is limited and temporary, and only given by a free vote of the people. We have a Constitution, now two centuries old, which limits and balances the powers of the three branches of our government: judicial, legislative and executive.

Many of the values that guide our life in America are first shaped in our families, just as they are in your country. American Moms and Dads love their children and work hard and sacrifice for them, because we believe life can always be better for the next generation. In our families, we find love and learn responsibility and .

And many Americans voluntarily devote part of their lives to serving others. An amazing number nearly half of all adults in America volunteer time every week to make their munities better by mentoring children visiting the sick caring for the elderly and helping with a thousand other needs and causes. This is one of the great strengths of my country. People take responsibility for helping others without being told, motivated by their good hearts and often by their faith.

America is a nation guided by faith. Someone once called us ``a nation with the soul of a church.'' Ninety-five percent of Americans say they believe in God, and I'm one of them.

When I met with President Jiang Zemin in Shanghai a few months ago, I told him how faith has shaped my own life, and how faith contributes to the life of my country. Faith points to a moral law beyond man's law and calls us to duties higher than material gain. Freedom of religion is not something to be feared but to be weled, because faith gives us a moral core and teaches us to hold ourselves to high standards, to love and serve others, and to live responsible lives.

If you travel across America, you will find people of many different ethic backgrounds and many different faiths. We are a varied country. We are home to 2.3 million Americans of Chinese ancestry, who can be found working in the offices of our biggest panies, serving in my own Cabinet, and skating for America at the Olympics. Every immigrant, by taking an oath of allegiance to our country, bees just as much an American as the President of the United States. America shows that a society can be vast and varied, and yet still one country, manding the allegiance and love of its people.

All of these qualities of America were vividly displayed on a single day, September 11th, when terrorists attacked America. American policemen and firefighters, by the hundreds, ran into burning towers in the desperate hope of saving other lives. Volunteers came from everywhere to help with the rescue efforts. Americans donated blood, and gave money to help the families of victims. People went to prayer services all over America, and raised flags to show their pride and unity. None of this was ordered by the government; it happened spontaneously, by the initiative of a free people.

Life in America shows that liberty, paired with law, is not to be feared. In a free society, diversity is not disorder. Debate is not strife. And dissent is not revolution. A free society trusts its citizens to seek greatness in themselves and their country.

It was my honor to visit China in 1975, and a lot has changed in your country since then. China has made amazing progress in openness, and enterprise, and economic freedom. And this progress previews China's great potential.

China has joined the World Trade Organization, and as you live up to its obligations, they will bring changes in China's legal system. A modern China will have a consistent rule of law to govern merce and secure the rights of its people.

The new China your generation is building will need the profound wisdom of your traditions. The lure of materialism challenges society in our country and in many successful countries. Your ancient ethic of personal and family responsibility will serve you well.

Behind China's economic success today are talented, energetic people. In the near future, these same men and women will play a full and active role in your government. This university is not simply turning out specialists, it is preparing citizens. And citizens are not spectators in the affairs of their country. They are participants in its future.

Change is ing. China is already having secret ballot and petitive elections at the local level. Nearly twenty years ago, Deng Xiaoping said that China would eventually expand democratic elections all the way to the national level and I look forward to that day.

Tens of millions of Chinese today are relearning Buddhist, Taoist, and local religious traditions, or practicing Christianity, Islam, and other faiths. Regardless of where or how these believers worship, they are no threat to public order; in fact, they make good citizens. For centuries, this country had a tradition of religious tolerance. My prayer is that all persecution will end, so that all in China are free to gather and worship as they wish.

All of these changes will lead to a stronger, more confident China a China that can astonish and enrich the world, a China that your generation will help create. This is one of the most exciting times in the history of your country a time when even the grandest hopes seem within your reach.

My nation offers you our respect and our friendship. Six years from now, athletes from America and around the world will e to your country for the Olympic games. And I am confident they will find a China that is being a da guo, a leading nation, at peace with its people and at peace with the world.

Thank you and now I look forward to answering some questions.

胡副主席,异常感謝你的懽迎緻辭,十分感謝您在這裏欢迎我跟我的伕人勞推。我也看到我的助理賴斯密斯,她曾經是斯德莫大壆的校長,因而她回到校園是最適开不過的了。无比感謝各位對我的熱情的招待,很榮倖能夠來到中國,乃至是世界最偉大的一座壆府之一,這所大壆刚好是在好國的支撑下建立的,成破的目標是為了推動我們兩國間的關係。我也晓得清華這所大壆對於副主席师长教师有著非常主要的意義,他不僅正在這裏獲得了壆位,并且是在這裏與他優俗的伕人相識的。我念同時,也感謝在坐的列位壆死給我這個機會跟大傢見里,談一談我本人的國傢,並且答复大傢的一些問題。   浑華大壆的治壆標准战名聲聞名於世,我也晓得能攷进這所大壆自身是一個很大的成绩,祝賀您們。







  一切的這些變化,將導緻中國越发強大,愈加有自负,這個中國將使世界矚目,也使世界更加豐富。這個中國便是諸位這一代人所幫助創坐的中國,現在在中國的歷史上是一個很是使人振奮的時刻。此時现在,就連最宏偉的夢想也仿佛唾脚可得。   我的國度,對中國提出尊重和友誼,再過六年,來自美國和世界的運動員將到貴國來參加奧林匹克比賽,我堅疑,他們能夠見到的中國將是正在變成一個大國的中國,一個走活着界前沿的國傢,一個與其国民無爭,與世界宁静相處的中國。
